




スクリーンショット 2021-01-06 14.33.42

Frontiers in Physiologyという雑誌の2020年6月のレビュー論文です。

Impact Factor=3.367。そこそこ、悪くないですかね。







Aging is a one-way process associated with profound structural and functional changes in the organism. Indeed, the neuromuscular system undergoes a wide remodeling, which involves muscles, fascia, and the central and peripheral nervous systems. As a result, intrinsic features of tissues, as well as their functional and structural coupling, are affected and a decline in overall physical performance occurs. Evidence from the scientific literature demonstrates that senescence is associated with increased stiffness and reduced elasticity of fascia, as well as loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength, and regenerative potential. The interaction between muscular and fascial structures is also weakened. As for the nervous system, aging leads to motor cortex atrophy, reduced motor cortical excitability, and plasticity, thus leading to accumulation of denervated muscle fibers. As a result, the magnitude of force generated by the neuromuscular apparatus, its transmission along the myofascial chain, joint mobility, and movement coordination are impaired. In this review, we summarize the evidence about the deleterious effect of aging on skeletal muscle, fascial tissue, and the nervous system. In particular, we address the structural and functional changes occurring within and between these tissues and discuss the effect of inflammation in aging. From the clinical perspective, this article outlines promising approaches for analyzing the composition and the viscoelastic properties of skeletal muscle, such as ultrasonography and elastography, which could be applied for a better understanding of musculoskeletal modifications occurring with aging. Moreover, we describe the use of tissue manipulation techniques, such as massage, traction, mobilization as well as acupuncture, dry needling, and nerve block, to enhance fascial repair.



Connective Tissue and Aging

まずConnective Tissue and Agingのところに注目してみます。


Muscular fascia is composed of many different molecules, such as structural proteins (collagens, laminins, fibronectin, vitronectin, tenascin, and elastin), growth factors (TGFs and IGFs) glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, metalloproteinases, cytokines, and water.
直訳:筋膜(ここ気になりますがMuscular fasciaと書いてあるので一応筋膜でいきます)は、構造タンパク質(コラゲン、ラミニン、フィブロネクチン、ビトロネクチン、テナシン、エラスチン)、成長因子(TGFs、IGFs)グリコサミノグリカン、プロテオグリカン、メタロプロテアーゼ、サイトカイン、水など、多くの異なる分子で構成されている。




Fascia, due to its structure and composition, has elastic, viscoelastic and plastic properties that strongly influence the biomechanical features of the locomotory apparatus, as demonstrated both in humans and animal models.


粘弾性(ねんだんせい、英: viscoelasticity)とは粘性と弾性の両方を合わせた性質のことである。 基本的にすべての物質が持つ性質であるが、特にプラスチックやゴムなどの高分子物質に顕著に見られる。
from Wikipedia





Oxford Languagesの定義



Muscular connective tissue changes with advancing age, as reported also in studies in animal models. In particular, its thickness and the amount of collagen cross-linking increase, and its elasticity decreases.


Additionally, the composition of the muscular connective tissue varies; as an example, the amount of collagen type IV rises, and that of type VI reduces.


As a result, the extracellular matrix becomes more rigid and muscles increase their stiffness, thus resulting in impaired muscle function.


一般的に液体成分のイメージが強いECMですが、骨もまたECMでできています。成分の量が部位によって違います。つまりECMが硬くなる、というのは加齢によって成分量に変化が出る、というイメージかと思います。そうなれば当然筋肉も硬くなるでしょう。筋肉の機能の低下、このあたりは単純に筋肉が硬いから機能が低下する、という考え方に陥らないように注意が必要に感じます。筋肉の機能(muscle function)、という表現も現在特にスポーツ領域などでは曖昧な表現とも言われています。このあたりもう少し掘り起こす必要がありそうです。

Studies in humans and animal models showed that with advancing age the basal lamina becomes thicker and destructured, and the content of collagen type IV, laminin, and the antimyogenic cytokine, osteopontin, increases in skeletal muscle, thus hindering its regenerative potential.
Moreover, a decrease in the number of fibroblasts and stem cells in tendon during aging has been also reported in humans and animal models.



A recent study by Wilke and collaborators demonstrated that aging is associated with variation in the thickness of the fascia. Indeed, the age-related modifications are specific for different body sites. Fascial thickness of the lower limb decreases with age (−12.3–25.8%), whereas fascia of the low back region increases (+40.0–76.7%) .
These changes in connective tissue have been suggested to reduce joint flexibility. Moreover, the amount of intramuscular connective tissue in the gastrocnemius muscle of elderly adults is reportedly higher than that of young adults.


Although connective tissue content may change with aging, the amount of cross-linking of intramuscular collagen remains stable, according to the results of a study in the vastus lateralis of young and old adults. Aging results also in a reduction in water content within tendon, as reported in the Achilles tendon of old rabbits, an increase in cross-links between tendon fibrils and a decrease in collagen content and density. Reducing sugars can link to amino acids of collagen fibers and generate AGEs, which accumulate throughout life and result in increased tissue stiffness and strength.
In addition, reduced elasticity and increased stiffness of aged musculoskeletal system can also be caused by degeneration of connective tissue, which leads to reduced joint mobility in the elderly. At the molecular level, it has been reported that Wnt signaling, the expression of metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase genes, which regulate ECM degradation and remodeling, change with advancing age. Barros and colleagues demonstrated that elastic fibers of the cervical interspinous ligaments undergo fragmentation and degeneration, and oxytalan fibers, which confer resistance to the tissue, degrade during aging. As a consequence, ligaments are more susceptible to ruptures following mechanical stress.
Despite age-related modifications of connective tissue, the effect of these changes on the mechanical properties of tendons, such as strength, stiffness, and elasticity, is still debated, due to conflicting reports. Interestingly, a recent pilot study demonstrated that acute resistance exercise differentially affected young and old adults in the context of metalloproteinase gene expression. These results support the evidence of stimulus-dependent ECM remodeling in the elderly.


Coupling Between Fascia, Skeletal Muscle and Aging

Muscles and fascia cooperate for the correct functioning of the locomotory apparatus. Their intimate relationship makes the performance of movement strictly dependent on the status of both of them. As an example, appropriate preparation of fascial structures by a warm-up and stretching protocols is essential for optimal results and minimal risk of injury in physical exercises. The structural and molecular changes of skeletal muscle and fascia with advancing age influence the transmission of force in the locomotory system. Intramuscular fascia connects different muscle fibers and muscle bundles within the muscle to form the force-generating structure connected to the bone.


Indeed, studies in rats showed that the force generated by muscle fiber contraction is transmitted both longitudinally and laterally, through the intramuscular fascia, to the surrounding muscle fibers, till the tendon and the bones. Moreover, molecular features, structure, and orientation of fascial fibers determine how force is transmitted and transferred through connective tissue to other surrounding elements. In humans, recent data showed that the length of muscle fascicles is affected by the coupling between muscle and fascia.


Indeed, heterogeneous fascicle strains have been detected in the medial gastrocnemius muscle following submaximal plantar flexion activity or knee extension. This result has been explained by epimuscular force transmission. Intermuscular mechanical interactions also have important implications in patients affected by cerebral palsy (CP), who suffer from motor disability. It has been suggested that the co-activation of antagonistic muscles of the knee, which causes the limited joint motion in CP patients, is due to altered force transmission through myofascial structures. This makes fascia a key structural and functional element of the contractile apparatus of muscle. As a consequence, the mechanical features of the entire muscle cannot be merely described as the sum of the isolated fascia and muscle fibers.



The fluid component of fascia assists in the hydrostat function of the tissue and dissipates energy, whereas the elastic component, made by fibrous protein structures, can store and release elastic energy. Besides the capacity of fascial components to generate force by myofibroblast contraction, fascia can also modulate its composition and structure in response to biomechanical stimulation, thus allowing its adaptation over time to meet the body’s needs. Several studies have demonstrated that muscles located in anatomically separate body regions can exchange tensional stress through a tight link and cooperation with fascial structures, thus contributing to the accomplishment of locomotory tasks and movement proprioception. In the anatomical compartment comprised between leg and trunk, this complex architecture has been described as a myofascial force transmission chain.

ここも重要です。先に出た弾性、粘弾性、可塑性の話をより詳しく記載しています。若干気になるこの「myofascial force transmission chain」の話、、命名が若干組織ベースな印象はありますが、以前の記事で書いたようなFascia systems的な要素、そしてプロプリオセプションの話が出てくるところ。ここ要チェックです。やはり末梢神経がここでどのように、そしてどうやって作用しているのかを外してはなりません。

Data collected so far suggest that myofascial force transmission is extremely relevant during muscle lengthening, such as in eccentric contractions and stretching activity. Indeed, the presence of intermuscular mechanical interactions in the lower leg muscles under passive joint motion has been clearly demonstrated by several ultrasound-based studies.
Some pieces of evidence indicate that the close interaction between muscular and fascial structures and the physical continuity of connective tissue along the myofascial chain weakens with age, thus reducing the magnitude of mechanical force transmission. In this context, it has been shown that alteration in myofascial force transmission can influence the effects of nonlocal exercises, as the self-myofascial release of the plantar fascia on hamstring extensibility. Fascial tissue can densify and develop fibrosis with age, thus reducing muscular force production and joint range of motion. Moreover, decreased physical mobility occurring in the elderly could be partially explained by increased stiffness and reduced elasticity of the extracellular matrix due to dehydration and increased collagen content. Indeed, during aging, the connective tissue of patellar tendon increases fiber cross-links and reduces collagen content, and Achilles tendon and plantar fascia diminish their connecting fibers.




Connective Tissue, Inflammation, and Aging

A key feature of aging tissue is, also, the so-called inflammaging, which describes a low-grade chronic systemic inflammation in the absence of overt infection. This “sterile” inflammation is a highly significant risk factor for morbidity and mortality in elderly people. Chronic inflammation influences tissue functions via several mechanisms: persistent production of reactive molecules by infiltrating leucocytes might damage structural elements of tissues; production of cytokines might modulate inflammatory responses and alter phenotypes of nearby cells. Most of the inflammatory responses take place in the extracellular matrix, which can interact with immune cells and change their functions, thereby influencing tissue regeneration. Although early inflammation after tissue damage is important for remodeling and adaptations, decreased inflammation seems to be associated with improved tissue regeneration and gains of muscle strength.



Manipulation Techniques and Fascia Repair

Over the course of a lifetime, fascia can be injured due to excessive or prolonged loading, traumatic events, strenuous physical activity, and surgical procedures. As a consequence of damage, repair mechanisms are activated to restore the original structural and functional features of the tissue. Impairment of this process can cause a reduction in the performance of the locomotory apparatus and musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, strategies improving myofascial regeneration are pivotal. A broad range of tissue manipulation techniques has been proposed to enhance fascial repair. A study in the treatment of tension-type headache suggests a combination of soft tissue techniques and neural mobilization to be most promising in relieving myofascial-induced pain and dysfunction. The authors highlight the importance of the treatment stimulus to mechanically stimulate nerve and fascia. Indeed, a study performed on people suffering from delayed-onset muscle soreness showed that the sensitivity of high-threshold mechanosensitive receptors is a predictor of pain and motor impairment. Thus, approaches modulating the activity of these receptors may be helpful for functional recovery. This is in line with recent clinical data showing that hands-on based conservative treatments can be effective in relieving pain in injured athletes. These treatments include nerve block, injection, ultrasound and laser therapies, manipulation, mobilization, massage, and traction, as well as acupuncture and dry needling. However, it is not clear whether aging influences the effect of these treatments. There is evidence that multimodal rehabilitation, including classic massage, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and ultrasound therapy improves pain and function in older women (aged >60) suffering from back pain. A systematic review found limited evidence of pain-reducing effects of physical therapy (three studies, two of them applying soft tissue treatments) among older adults with dementia. In summary, we can only hypothesize that the fascial tissue of elderly people is susceptible to soft tissue stimuli, but its effect has to be determined.
直訳:一生の間に、Fascia(ファシア)は、過剰または長期にわたる負荷、外傷性の事象、激しい身体活動、および外科的処置によって損傷を受けることがある。損傷の結果として、修復メカニズムが活性化され、組織の元の構造的および機能的な特徴を復元する。このプロセスが障害されると、運動器の性能が低下し、筋骨格系の障害を引き起こす可能性がある。したがって、Fascia(ファシア)再生を改善する戦略が極めて重要である。Fascia(ファシア)修復を強化するために、幅広い組織に対する徒手療法(英語はtissue manipulation techniquesです)が提案されている。緊張型頭痛の治療に関する研究では、Fascia(ファシア)誘発性疼痛と機能障害の緩和には、軟部組織の手技と神経モビライゼーションの組み合わせが最も有望であることが示唆されている。著者らは、神経とFascia(ファシア)を機械的に刺激する治療刺激の重要性を強調している。実際、遅発性筋痛に苦しむ人々を対象とした研究では、高閾値のメカノ感受性受容体の感度が痛みや運動障害の予測因子であることが示された。したがって、これらの受容体の活性を調節するアプローチは、機能回復に役立つ可能性がある。これは、怪我をしたアスリートの疼痛緩和には、実地に基づいた保存的治療が有効であることを示す最近の臨床データと一致している。これらの治療法には、神経ブロック、注射、超音波およびレーザー治療、マニピュレーション、モビライゼーション、マッサージおよび牽引、さらには鍼治療および乾式針治療が含まれる。しかし、加齢がこれらの治療法の効果に影響を与えるかどうかは明らかではない。古典的なマッサージ、経皮的電気神経刺激、超音波療法を含む複合的なリハビリテーションが、腰痛に悩む高齢女性(60歳以上)の痛みと機能を改善するというエビデンスがある。システマティックレビューでは、認知症の高齢者における理学療法の疼痛軽減効果についてのエビデンスは限られている(3件の研究が行われ、うち2件は軟部組織治療を適用したもの)。まとめると、高齢者のFascia(ファシア)組織は軟部組織の刺激を受けやすいという仮説を立てることしかできないが、その効果は確定しなければならない。




Aging is associated with metabolic, structural, and functional modifications of cells, tissues, and organs, which lead to a gradual decline in psycho-physical performance. In particular, the locomotory apparatus loses its effectiveness, due to the molecular and cellular changes occurring in the myofascia, the skeletal muscle tissue, the nervous system, and their structural and functional coupling. Genetics, epigenetics, environment, diseases, lifestyle, nutrition, and injuries also have a prominent role in tissue remodeling occurring with aging. Thanks to recent scientific progress, many phenomena and mechanisms associated with aging have been defined, but still much remains to be investigated. From the perspective of healthy aging, it is crucial to identify and hinder all the age-dependent modifications through specific strategies targeting etiologic factors, and also psycho-social issues. Indeed, ultrasound-based techniques can provide a detailed morphological characterization of skeletal muscle and connective tissue, thus allowing a specific analysis of the detrimental changes occurring in the myofascia with aging. Moreover, tissue manipulation techniques might contribute to improving myofascial regeneration in the elderly. Physical activity has been also suggested as an effective strategy for counteracting the deleterious consequences of aging, given that skeletal muscle plasticity might be only partially lost in elderly individuals. However, this issue is still debated, due to contradictory results. Nevertheless, the constant progress in technology and biomedical research holds great promise for fighting the burden of aging by targeted therapeutic interventions.
直訳:老化は、細胞、組織、臓器の代謝、構造、機能の変化を伴い、精神的・身体的パフォーマンスの低下をもたらす。特に、Fascia(ファシア)、骨格筋組織、神経系、それらの構造的・機能的結合に生じる分子・細胞の変化により、運動器はその有効性を失う。遺伝学、エピジェネティクス、環境、疾患、生活習慣、栄養、怪我なども加齢に伴う組織のリモデリングに大きな役割を果たしている。近年の科学的進歩のおかげで、老化に関連する多くの現象やメカニズムが定義されてきたが、まだ多くのことが解明されていない。健康的な加齢の観点からは、病因因子や精神社会的な問題をターゲットとした特定の戦略を通じて、加齢に依存したすべての変化を特定し、阻害することが極めて重要である。実際、超音波をベースにした技術は、骨格筋と結合組織の詳細な形態学的特徴を提供することができ、加齢に伴うFascia(ファシア)に生じる有害な変化を具体的に分析することができる。さらに、組織に対する徒手療法(英語はtissue manipulation techniquesです)は、高齢者のFascia(ファシア)再生の改善に貢献する可能性がある。また、高齢者では骨格筋の可塑性が部分的にしか失われていないことから、運動は加齢による悪影響を打ち消すための有効な戦略であることが示唆されている。しかしこの問題は、矛盾する結果が出ているため、いまだに議論されています。それにもかかわらず、技術と生物医学研究の絶え間ない進歩は、ターゲットを絞った治療介入によって老化の負担と戦うための大きな可能性を秘めている。





そういう意味で、リハビリの世界でもSTG、LTGだけでなくImmediate Term Goals(ITG)が必要に感じています。これが弱いから「リハビリセラピストは触診や治療技術が弱い、下手だ」、と他分野のセラピストに言われるんだと思います。


リハビリテーションの専門家として、やはり医学モデルと社会(障害)モデルの並走をしていく方向にするため、XLTG(Extra Long Term Goal)を想定してはどうだろうか、と考えています。


Aging is associated with metabolic, structural, and functional modifications of cells, tissues, and organs, which lead to a gradual decline in psycho-physical performance. In particular, the locomotory apparatus loses its effectiveness, due to the molecular and cellular changes occurring in the myofascia, the skeletal muscle tissue, the nervous system, and their structural and functional coupling. Genetics, epigenetics, environment, diseases, lifestyle, nutrition, and injuries also have a prominent role in tissue remodeling occurring with aging.


