
【The Happy Stress Effect 012】 Introducing 2 happy neurotransmitters

海外の方々に向けて、英語でHAPPY STRESSを紐解くPodcast番組 『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』



012- Introducing 2 happy neurotransmitters (2024/04/1)

Script Translation/日本語


 皆さん、こんにちは。『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』の世界にようこそ。私は進行のアルバートです。今日は、私たちの生活であまりにも馴染み深いトピック「ストレス」について掘り下げていきます。でも、ちょっといいですか?これは複雑な科学用語を深く掘り下げるということではありません。ストレスを共感できるものにし、理解しやすく、何よりも日常生活に適用できるようにするためのものです。


 科学と技術の進歩により、私たちは今、ストレス反応を操る細胞や分子にのぞき込むことができます。私たちは、これらの魅力的な洞察のいくつかを「Happy Stress」(青砥瑞人 著)という書籍を使って、理解しやすい形で明らかにしていきます。
















 多くの人が、音楽に合わせて踊ったり、リズムに身を委ねたりするときに心地よさを感じることでしょう。これは、セロトニンの効果に部分的に起因するものです。 この視点は、繰り返しの単調なリズム運動の普遍性を示しています。たとえば、なぜ子どもをなでて眠らせるのでしょうか?リズミカルななで方は、介護者と子どもの両方を落ち着かせるようです。

















 それでは、本日の『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』をお聴きいただきありがとうございました。もし本日のエピソードをお楽しみいただけたなら、ぜひチャンネル登録をお忘れなく、ハッピーの科学へのさらなる洞察をお楽しみください。次回まで、私、アルバートが「HAPPY STRESS」と喜びに満ちた一日をお祈りしています。

Original Script/英語

Welcome, everyone, to "The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials". I'm your host Albert, and today, we're delving into a topic that's all too familiar in our lives - stress. But hold on, this isn't going to be a deep dive into complex scientific jargon. We're here to make it relatable, understandable, and most importantly, applicable to our daily lives.

You see, stress isn't just an adversary; it's also a vital component that protects, strengthens, and even fosters growth within us. In this program, we're exploring how our brains and bodies interact with stress on a fundamental level. We'll uncover why stress is a natural part of our biology and humanity, and how knowing this can reshape the way we perceive it. But it doesn't stop there.

With advancements in science and technology, we're now able to peek into the very cells and molecules that orchestrate our stress responses. We'll be demystifying some of these fascinating insights using this book called "Happy Stress" by Mizuto Aoto in a way that's easy to grasp.

In our last episode, we delved into the concept of "reward bias," a psychological tendency where we subconsciously expect a return for our actions or contributions. We discussed how this innate expectation can subtly influence our interactions and well-being, often leading to frustration when the anticipated return doesn't materialize. 

Today, we aim to broaden our approach to dark stress by delving into the mechanisms of homeostasis within our brains and bodies. We possess innate systems designed to alleviate stress states when we manifest stress responses, and it's this learning we wish to focus on. I invite each of you to consider, within your own environments, what elements or conditions might facilitate various forms of homeostasis.

Ever wondered how a good laugh or a rhythmic beat can transform your mood? Or why certain activities bring us inexplicable joy? To answer this question, I want to introduce two important neurotransmitters.

First, let's discuss a neurotransmitter called beta-endorphin, often referred to as the brain's opiate. This substance, associated with pleasure, is naturally produced in the brain and can lessen pain and enhance feelings of peace.

For instance, genuine belly laughter can prompt the production of beta-endorphin, suggesting that laughter serves as a regulator of our internal state.

A well-known example is Norman Cousins, an American editor who, upon reaching his fifties, was diagnosed with a connective tissue disease. Describing his ailment, he likened the constant pain to the sensation of a truck running over him. Amidst this, Cousins made it a point to watch comedy shows daily.

The reason was his belief that, especially in times of despair with no clear cure in sight, dwelling on negative thoughts only exacerbated his physical condition. Through watching comedy, he noticed that a good laugh could momentarily alleviate his pain. While such an idea was dismissed at the time, it's now believed that laughter likely triggered the release of beta-endorphin, easing pain and positively affecting the immune system.

Cousins managed to overcome what was deemed an incurable disease. While laughter wasn't the sole cure, its significant therapeutic effect is undeniable.

The insidious nature of psychological stress lies in its ability to subtly amplify stress responses, not only dampening our mood but also impairing our immune function. The more we dwell on negativity, the more our attention fixates on it, trapping us in a negative loop. Thus, having something in our lives that can genuinely make us laugh can be a crucial element in breaking free from dark stress and preparing for recovery.

The presence of comedy and humor across many civilizations and cultures, cherished by people, suggests that humanity has historically navigated various stress responses through laughter.

Of course, what makes each person laugh will differ, influenced by the unique memories accumulated in our brains from our individual upbringings. Reacquainting ourselves with what tickles our funny bone and integrating it into our lives can enrich our existence.

In addition to beta-endorphin, serotonin is another vital neurotransmitter.
Just as comedy and humor are prevalent across civilizations and cultures, so are music and dance. Is this mere coincidence? Moving and enjoying ourselves to music seems instinctual, but why did humans create music in the first place?

The clue might lie in fidgeting. While it's a stretch to equate fidgeting with dancing, both activities arise from stress responses or frustration, leading us to tap our feet or fiddle with our fingers. Why?

It's known that repetitive rhythmic movements can facilitate the production of serotonin in the brain. Fidgeting, then, is an adaptive response to stress, an attempt to moderate excessive stress through rhythmic movement.

While fidgeting might carry negative connotations for many, moving to music or engaging in rhythm can likely stimulate serotonin production. Many might recall a sense of comfort when dancing or moving rhythmically to music, partly attributable to serotonin's effects.

This perspective reveals the ubiquitous nature of repetitive rhythmic movements. For instance, why do we pat children to sleep? The rhythmic patting seems to calm both the caregiver and the child.

Music and dance, chewing, walking, and even the rhythmic beats of a wooden fish during meditation all seem to carry a deeper significance. It might explain why baseball players chew gum in the dugout – the act itself can be calming. The key is finding the repetitive rhythm that suits you and recognizing it as a piece of your calming routine for maximum effect.

Engaging in such activities without mindfulness can inadvertently lead to stress, driven by thoughts like "Why do I have to do this?" Conscious acknowledgment that these activities serve as personal calming rituals can prevent thought-driven stress and promote relaxation through serotonin release.

Pondering "Why am I doing this?" utilizes brain functions that detract from those needed to induce serotonin, thereby reducing the calming effect. Therefore, identifying and consciously embracing your calming spots, actions, and routines can enhance their efficacy.

Famous executives have routines like washing dishes to unwind, and at an event with female entrepreneurs, one woman shared, "When I'm frustrated with work, I buy three cabbages on my way home and shred them. It calms me down." Everyone has their unique form of repetitive, calming activity, from plucking body hair with tweezers to popping bubble wrap or synchronizing finger movements. What's yours? Rediscovering and consciously incorporating these actions into your life could be beneficial.

Incorporating slightly strenuous exercise can utilize both beta-endorphin and serotonin properties effectively.

The benefits of exercise in combating dark stress are well-documented. Engaging in somewhat challenging physical activities can trigger various reactions within the body and brain, reducing stress responses.

Here are some pointers for exercising with the aim of alleviating dark stress: moderately intense activities are recommended. While extremely intense workouts are also beneficial, they might not be sustainable for those unaccustomed to regular exercise. Conversely, too gentle exercises might not yield significant effects.

The perception of exercise intensity varies among individuals, so finding a balance where the activity feels somewhat challenging but not overwhelming is key for stress relief.

This balance ensures that the exercise demands enough focus, preventing the mind from wandering back to stressful thoughts. In contrast, less demanding activities might not fully engage the brain, allowing it to ruminate on negative experiences.

More vigorous activities or complex movements like yoga or dance require significant attention, making them effective in diverting focus from psychological stressors.

Familiarity with an exercise routine might eventually lead to less engagement, so maintaining focus, adjusting intensity, or introducing new activities can keep the exercise beneficial in managing dark stress.

Engaging in slightly strenuous exercise can be seen as applying physical stress to muscles, prompting the brain and body to produce chemicals like beta-endorphin and serotonin to alleviate this stress.

Regardless of the reason, the beta-endorphin and serotonin produced by the brain and body maintain their molecular structures, making them effective against psychological stress even when synthesized due to physical activity.
The concept of a "runner's high" – feeling euphoric despite the physical toll of intense exercise – is attributed to the body's response to significant stress through the release of pleasure-inducing chemicals.

Feeling refreshed after a good workout likely involves sweating and a sense of fatigue, marking an ideal moment for self-reset. Integrating suitable exercise into your routine not only mitigates dark stress but also offers learning and health benefits, making slightly strenuous physical activity a worthwhile addition to your lifestyle.

As we wrap up today's episode, it's clear that our bodies and brains are equipped with remarkable systems for maintaining balance and promoting well-being. Through understanding the roles of beta-endorphin and serotonin, we've learned how laughter, music, rhythmic movements, and even moderate exercise can not only alleviate stress but also enhance our overall happiness and health. The key takeaway is the power of engaging with activities that naturally stimulate these beneficial responses. Whether it's finding humor in the everyday, enjoying music, or incorporating physical activity into our routine, these actions support our body's innate ability to regulate and recover. Let's embrace these natural mechanisms, making conscious choices to nurture our mental and physical health. Remember, the journey to well-being starts with small, joyful steps.

That’ll be it! Thank you for joining us on The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe for more insights into the science of happiness. Until next time, I'm Albert, wishing you a day filled with "HAPPY STRESS" and joyful moments.
