
Reflections on my volunteer experience







Hi, I'm Lisa. This July, I had the opportunity to volunteer for a month at Code for Everyone. As a recent college graduate with a Computer Science and Design degree, I am passionate about making technology education accessible and available for everyone. After graduation, I wanted to get a chance to improve my Japanese and see what it’s like to work in Japan; when I was introduced to Code for Everyone, I was extremely excited about the opportunity because of how much I aligned with their mission.

Over this past month, Below are some of the projects I have been working on this past month. 

My first assignment was translating their Activity Report from Japanese to English. I tried to ensure that the English version accurately captured the emotion and vision laid out by the organization, rather than translate it literally.

My next project was an interface redesign for the organization’s donation page. I did some initial research on other NPO websites such as those of UNICEF, Red Cross, and KATARIBA to gauge design patterns work for other organizations. From there, I evaluated how to improve the design of the page to make it intuitive and user-friendly. The redesign addresses the issue of page clutter by grouping similar information and reducing redundancy. I believe the renew site will be easier to navigate and encourage more support.

My third assignment was observing Computer Science class in Japan. 

I visited Harayama Elementary School in Chiba with Mr. Takeya to observe newly implemented Scratch classes in the first and second grades. We helped out with any technological issues and supported the teachers as they learn to adapt to teaching programming.

At a later date, I went to Harayama Elementary School again to join a workshop for teachers.  they try out 「Akadako」 a reimagined expansion card that allows students to become more familiar with computing devices and expand the possibilities of their learning. I was amazed by how technology can be used in innovative ways to facilitate and enrich learning. 

All my programming education has been in America, so it was interesting to have been able to visit Japanese school and see first-hand the difference between computer science education in Japan and the US. It’s been a long time since I was in Elementary/Middle school, but based on what I’ve heard from my two younger sisters and my own programming experience in the US, these are what struck me.

The first point of difference I noticed is in the technology used in the classroom. Especially after trialing the 「Akadako」 device which will be used to supplement math and science courses, I noticed how in the US, technology in the classroom is mostly limited to laptops while in Japan, there is more emphasis on how technology can be used in innovative ways to facilitate classroom learning. Rather than limit the students' usage of technology in the classroom to just laptops, I think it exposes them from a young age to the variety of ways technology can be used. 

The second point of difference is how technology is taught. In the US, technology education is often offered in the form of programming or robotics classes. It is uncommon for kids to have an opportunity to use their computer knowledge in real-world contexts. However, in Japan technology education is seen as multi-faceted. Even from a young age, they are able to experience how to use programming in a variety of different ways. I’ve heard from friends who took AP Computer Science that they felt that the course only prepared them for the AP test, and when they got to college they felt they were lacking a lot of programming skills they could have gotten from more real-world learning. Therefore, the way that kids learn programming in Japan really struck me as being an effective introduction to technology that allows them to get a more well-rounded understanding of programming.

Only having experience working in corporate America, I was struck by the number of differences between working in Japan vs the US, but also working in an NPO vs a corporation.

One difference that struck me was the work culture. In the US, I feel this pressure to stay out of my coworkers' way when possible and only reach out for help as a last resort. However, while working in Japan I feel like my coworkers made time for me whenever possible, and I never was left feeling guilty for accidentally wasting their time. I think in this way, there’s more of a feeling of supporting everyone on the team, so the team can succeed as a whole.

Another difference that struck me was the difference between working at an NPO vs a big corporation. At an NPO, however nerve wracking, you are trusted on big projects and if you complete it well, you get more opportunities to work on significant assignments. However, at a big US corporation, you have to earn trust. You may begin with a smaller project, and as you show how skilled you are, you get the opportunity to work on bigger projects.

To close it off, I want to thank all the staff at Code for Everyone for providing me with the most enriching working experience in Japan. I wasn’t sure how I was going to be received given my current level of Japanese, but the staff continually made me feel welcome and even went out of their way to figure out different ways for me to learn more about the organization. Even though it was short, I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to work with you all, and I hope I have the opportunity to do so again soon!








3つ目は、日本のコンピュータサイエンスの授業を見学することでした。 みんなのコードの竹谷先生と一緒に千葉の原山小学校を訪れ、1年生・2年生のスクラッチの授業を見学しました。授業中、先生たちの授業のサポートも行いました。










