

English below⇩








I am the one who can quickly fall asleep when I hold something in my hand. The other day, I tried holding kitty’s hand when I went to bed and I fell asleep very quickly. That was like the morning came all of a sudden.

I wrote it before that he is right handed and then if I try to hold his right hand, he will put back his hand, so I must check if the hand I am trying to hold is his left hand or not.

I haven’t been holding his hand for a long time so I found it the other day that his hands’ fur is as soft as his chest’s fur as if the fur is gently covering my hand. I just thought if I could touch clouds in the sky, they might be like this. He took me to the sky for our sleep.

If my hand gets bit sweaty in the blanket, his fur won’t get it and just soft and dry as it is. His fur is definitely different from human’s hair. That’s interesting.

I was thinking why I could quickly fall asleep when I was holding his hand and I guess that’s because his fur is certainly comfortable and more importantly I just think of him if I hold his hand. Anything else is gone away from my mind. For me it’s the sense like I’m on the cloud.

I’ll hold his hand and ask him to take me to the cloud when I don’t want to think of anything and just want to sleep, caring about the frequency.

少しでも良いなと感じていただけたなら幸いです。 Instagram : clemandhiro こちらもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。