
May 21, 2024: English Grammar (英文法)

I am now working on an English grammar book, 'Oxford English Grammar Course'. I have just finished a third of the first part. In fact, this is the third or fourth time I am working on it. Before I started it, I had finished another book, Macmillan’s 'English Grammar In Context'. After that, I began to work on the same one but gave it up in the middle. It had a lack of detailed descriptions on each topic so I had to refer to a lot of other grammar books. Among them was the Oxford English Grammar Course, which I referred to one day in April or May. At that time, I found it better suited to what I am now than Macmillan's. So, I immediately began to work on the book. When I began to work on it, I was supposed to finish it much sooner than before because it was my third or fourth time to work on it. But English grammar was not so easy. I still need a lot of time to understand it, as I did the first and second time. I need about an hour to finish three pages including questions. I still have a lot of things that I had forgotten. On the other hand, I also had a lot of things I could understand more deeply than before.
So now, I give priority to understanding more deeply. And I make it a rule to go step by step like I do when I work on maths. I also really have to find a way to use what I have learnt in the book. Working on the book is not good enough to acquire and use English grammar as I expected. I have to read, hear and write English more and more (probably at least ten or a hundred times more).

 今、Oxford English Grammar Courseという英文法の本に取り組んでいます。第1部の3分の1を終えたところです。実は、この本に取り組むのは3回目か4回目です。この本を始める前に、マクミランのEnglish Grammar In Contextという別の本を終えていました。その後、同じ本に取りかかったのですが、途中で断念しました。この本は、各トピックについての詳細な説明が不十分で、たくさんの別の文法書を参照しなければならなかったのです。その中で、4月か5月のある日に参考にしたのがOxford English Grammar Courseでした。その時に、マクミランのものよりこの本が今の自分に合っていると思ったのです。それで、すぐにこの本に取り組み始めました。取り組み始めた当初は、3回目か4回目なので、以前よりずっと早く終えられると思っていました。ところがどっこい、英文法はそう簡単なものではありませんでした。1回目も2回目と同じように、理解するのに時間がかかります。問題を含めて3ページ終えるのに1時間くらい必要です。まだまだ忘れていることもたくさんあります。その一方で、以前より深く理解できたこともたくさんあります。



