
March 21, 2024: Great Interviewer, Tamori-san (名司会者、タモリさん)

It has been a very long time, probably ten or more years, since I got to take lunch at home. At lunchtime, I usually watch TV while having the meal my wife has prepared for me. But the TV programmes at lunchtime have recently been very boring, and I am fed up with them. I cannot stay at any of them for ten minutes or more, so I have to change the channel very often.
I have done so for over ten years, expecting that the programmes would entertain me someday. But they are getting more and more boring year by year. And I am almost on the verge of ceasing to watch TV.
None of the programmes has an interesting topic. In addition, all the presenters are very poor at running their show and do not entertain me at all. In particular, I am greatly disappointed with the show ‘Poka Poka’ aired by Fuji TV. I like the host, Haraichi, a comedy duo, and I expected them to entertain me a lot, but not at all.
Looking back on old TV programmes I had watched, I realised how great Tamori-san was. I am not going to say that I have seen better days for everything. But his show 'Waratte-Iitomo', which ran for about thirty years, was much better and more enjoyable than ‘Poka Poka’. He hosted the show much better than Haraichi does in their show. In particular, he showed me his great skill when he talked with a guest of the day in an interview segment ‘Telephone Shocking’. His interviews were always entertaining and my eyes used to be glued to the segment. He also got a lot of things out of the guest that I did not know. He had interviewed a guest of the day every day from Monday to Friday for more than thirty years. It is obvious that the interview skill comes from his talent, but I believe that he must have made a lot of effort to improve his skills. I will probably not be able to see one with a great interviewing skill like Tamori-san for the rest of my life.
All the regular shows with the great host, Tamori-san, end this month. It is a trend of the times, but I feel a bit of a loss.

 過去のランチタイムを振り返ると、タモリさんのすごさをつくづく感じます。なんでもかんでも「昔の方が良かった」と言うつもりはありません。でも、30年ほど続いたタモリさんの「笑っていいとも」は、「ぽかぽか」よりもずっと良かったし、楽しかったです。タモリさんの司会がずっと上手でした。特に、インタビューコーナー「テレフォンショッキング」で、日替わりゲストと対談するときの手腕は見事でした。タモリさんのインタビューはいつも面白く、目が釘付けになったものです。また、ボクの知らないことをゲストからたくさん引き出してくれました。タモリさんは30年以上、月曜から金曜まで毎日、日替わりゲストにインタビューをしていたのです。 その腕前は才能から来るものであることは言うまでもありませんが、その腕を磨くために相当の努力もされたと思います。ボクが生きている間に、タモリさんのような素晴らしいインタビューの腕を持った人とお目にかかることはないでしょう。 


