
July 8, 2023 Review of the Last 6 Months (4), Other Routines, New Challenge(半年の振り返り(4)、他のルーチン、新な挑戦)

I also have done English grammar every day. I have been doing it with ‘Oxford English Grammar Course’ and ‘Oxford Practice Grammar’. They go well with me. I am doing them in parallel and getting a good synergy from them. I do the former first and then the latter to check my understanding. The latter has good summaries of grammar points and has good exercises. They go so well with me that I will repeat them endlessly.
Moreover, I have done maths in English. It also goes well. I have been able to do it much better than I expected. I have enjoyed it a lot. It is probably thanks to a good textbook. It is in English, but not so difficult to understand. I have completed half of the book and will go on it.
Overall, I am happy with what I have done in the last six months. I still have a lot to work on but will go forward by keeping them in mind.
For the second half of the year, I will find a new challenge in addition to my current routines. I have no clear picture of the new one as of now. I aim to clarify it by the end of this year and start it next year.

 英文法の勉強も毎日続けています。相変わらず、「Oxford English Grammar Course」と「Oxford Practice Grammar」で勉強しています。この2冊とすごく相性がいいです。前者をやった後に、理解度を確認するために後者をやっています。後者の文法事項に関するまとめはわかりやすく、練習問題も良質です。非常に相性がいいので、これをずっと繰り返すことにします。

