
July 7, 2023: Review of the Last 6 Months (3), Posting English Articles (2) (半年の振り返り(3)、英文記事の投稿(2))

I have been posting English articles on ‘note’. Another hurdle to do it is how to write them. It is not so difficult to translate what I have in my mind into English. But I need a long time to write articles in English enough to tempt readers to read them. This is because my English is not still good enough. In writing, I always try not to make grammatical errors as much as possible. But I still cannot be sure that my writing is free from grammatical errors. What bothers me more is how to structure an article. When I write an article, I first think about what to write about in Japanese. Then, I translate it into English. But I cannot post, on ‘note’, what I just simply translated. The English article looks very hard to read and understand. It is in English but based on Japanese logic. So I have rewritten it, again and again, to make it easier to read as much as possible. I have been struggling with it every day. I am going to continue to do so with the hope that I will be able to write it more easily. But I do not expect it to come so soon. There is no end to the writing. No matter how many articles I write, I must find out something that does not satisfy me. So the key is how to enjoy it.

