
April 8, 2023: Dubai, Travel to Africa (2), Egypt (ドバイ、アフリカ訪問(2)、エジプト)

It was about ten years after I had been in Tunisia that I travelled to Egypt on business. At that time, I also travelled to Dubai, UAE. I expected Dubai to be a modern and futuristic city. But that was not always the case. As I had seen on the internet, the city had a lot of skyscraper buildings and modern shopping centres. But these were only a part of the city, and not all of the city is modern. The rest of the city had an old town ambience. I stayed at a hotel in that area and had trouble. I expected the hotel to have an internet access service. In fact, it had the facility, but I could not connect with it during my stay. That was very frustrating to me. I also had difficulty getting a taxi. The town had very few taxis, and it took a very long time to get them.
After my bitter experience in Dubai, I flew to Cairo, Egypt. I expected that it would be similar to Dubai. But I was wrong. Unlike Dubai, it was an old and historical city and had no skyscraper buildings. It also had big traffic jams everywhere. The day after I arrived, I went to see the pyramids and sphinxes, but they were not what I expected. Cairo did not satisfy me.


