
March 24,2024: Gait Improvement (歩行改善)

The other day, I got a temporary false tooth placed into the part of my mouth where the old one had fallen out. The new one will be placed about two weeks later. For now, this will be my last visit to the dentist. And I will not have to mind visiting clinics or a dentist. With the arrival of spring, I will focus on improving my gait so that I can walk as well as others.
First, I will try to improve my gait on my own as I had done before. In January, I used chiropractic, but the support did not help me at all. Far from it, I did exercises based on the advice of the practician so much that I hurt my knee. So, I have to try it on my own instead of leaning on others.
Secondly, I have to change the way I do the exercises. The way I have done till now has been effective, to some extent, in improving my gait. However, even if I continue them, I cannot expect them to make a significant improvement in my gait. So, I began to do the exercises with a tube. Every day, I do two of the tube exercises: biceps curls and squats. For biceps curls, I stand up, place my feet on the middle of the tube and pull the tube to my chest with my arms. For squats, I stand up, place my feet on the tube, slowly bend my knees into a squatting position and return to my starting point.
For now, the exercises seem to help me improve the part of my body I have never experienced in the old exercises. In particular, they enable me to stand straight and keep my position. They seem to help to straighten my posture and improve the strength of the parts around my hip. So, I will continue the exercises, but I must not do them too much.
Thirdly, I need to improve my walking distance. I almost go out for a walk every day. But I have not been able to take a long walk since I hurt my knee. I have to try to take the same long walk as I did before. But I have to try it step by step.
I must keep in mind that ‘too much of a good thing can be bad’.


