
November 18, 2023: My Favourite Words (好きな言葉)

‘Live my own life to the fullest every day.' This is what I write down every morning. Every morning, I will scribble what I have in my mind for 3 to 5 minutes. I always write the words when I am scribbling. The words wake up and energies me. They come from what Akashiya Sanma-san says. In the beginning, I used to write one of his three mottoes every morning: 'Nothing comes from worry. Practice makes perfect.'; 'Nothing is impossible if you want to get things done.'; and 'Be crazed with something once. You have to live your daily life like a madman. As I had written one of them every day, however, I began to change them gradually and came up with my own words. I am going to continue writing them down every morning. But as I write them down, I may change the words as I did before. It means a change in my mind. I do not know when and why it will happen.
But I may have the chance in January. Luckily, I got a ticket to see Sanma-san’s play on January 23, my birthday. His play will give me a lot of new things and change my mind. It will also help me get off to a good start in 2024. I am really looking forward to seeing Sanma-san on my birthday.

 「毎日、全力で生きろ」。これは、ボクが毎朝書き留めていることです。毎朝、頭に浮かんだことを3分から5分ほど走り書きする時間を取っています。その時に、いつもこの言葉を走り書きしています。これで、目が覚め、活力がみなぎります。この言葉は、明石家さんまさんの名言から来ています。最初の頃、毎朝、さんまさんの3つ座右の銘の内の1つを書いていました。「不安からは何も生まれない。続ければ必ず良くなる」。「 やろうとすれば出来んねん、人間みたいなもんは」。「いっぺん夢中で生きてみい。毎日が夢中や」。でも、毎日、このいずれかを1つずつ書いているうちに、だんだん、言葉を変えるようになり、自分なりの言葉を思いつくようになりました。これからも毎朝、この言葉を書き続けるつもりです。でも、書いているうちに、前と同じように言葉を変えるかもしれません。それは、心境の変化があった時です。それがいつ、なぜ起こるのかはわかりません。

