
May 9, 2024: My PC(ボクのパソコン)

It has been about a year since I began to use a new PC with Windows 11. Until a few days ago, it worked very well and caused no trouble to me. But after that, it suddenly crashed. When I was using a web browser, Firefox, to do surfing, the browser suddenly crashed. And it told me that it crashed and needed a reboot. So, I restarted it to continue the surfing. But again, it crashed and needed a restart. I restarted it again, but I had to repeat it several times. It did not work as well as it did before. So, I gave up Firefox and began to use Brave. But it also crashed as Firefox did and I had to restart it many times. As a result, the browser was completely broken, and the PC restarted by itself. I was very shocked and embarrassed. And I waited for it to complete the restarting. But it was only going to restart and had never ended. So, my patience ran out, and I pressed the start button with my finger to switch off my PC. After about thirty seconds, I pressed the button again to start the PC. Then, it started as always. Then, I opened Firefox and did web surfing to find nothing wrong with it. Since then, it worked as well as before. But I still do not know the cause of the crash.
I have another problem with the PC. I always do a lot of Google searches on the internet. But it tends to take a much longer time for the search. After I type a number of words and press a key to do searches, I have to wait for the result much longer than before. I do not know the cause, either.
In any case, these troubles are bad for me and I am afraid that they are a sign that my PC will break down soon. It is not strange that my PC can break down a few months later. The old one had broken down two years after I had bought it. But I cannot do anything to find and fix the cause of the troubles.

 PCはもう一つ問題を抱えています。 いつもインターネットでグーグル検索をたくさんするのですが、検索にかなり時間がかかるようになっています。いくつかの単語を入力して検索キーを押してから、結果が出るまで以前よりずっと長く待たされるのです。この原因も分かっていません。

