
February 21, 2024: Convenient but Reluctant to Use (便利だけど、使いたくない)

A smartphone. Now, this is the tool that I know is very convenient but that I am reluctant to use. I have never been a hater of digital goods but a follower. It was about forty years ago that I began to use one of them, a personal computer at an office. I used to make a monthly report on sales results with a spreadsheet. I was surprised that I could produce the report with it much faster and more legibly than by handwriting. Since then, I have bought a lot of PCs, including a word processor, out of my own pocket. So, I have little memory of when I did not have and use a PC. I have also been using an iPad series for a long time since the iPad 2. When I began to use the iPad2, I tried a lot of things, including using a lot of paid apps, aiming to do everything I had done with a PC and cease to use the PC, but to no avail. So, I gave up trying to do everything with the iPad and made up my mind to use both the PC and the iPad. As a result, the iPad is now almost a viewer to see the content, including a lot of apps, in the tool, and is not used as the one to write something long like an article for ‘note’. Still less, it is very hard or almost impossible to make a document with a spreadsheet in it.
From my point of view, a smartphone is a smaller version of the iPad. So, I do not see why in addition to the iPad, I need such a smaller version in my daily life. For now, I do not need two viewers in my life. Of course, I know that the smartphone makes my life much more convenient than it is now in terms of shopping, etc. But everything I need or want to do with the smartphone can be replaced by other things like a credit card. So, I am very reluctant to use the smartphone.




