
クリスマスの感謝の言葉 +本日の付録 : クリスマスソング BooksChannel Version

クリスマスの感謝の言葉 PIC001

Merry Christmas to all readers!

ご覧の皆様へ メリークリスマス!

いつもBOOKS CHANNEL NOTEをご愛読いただき、誠にありがとうございます。クリスマスという特別な季節を迎え、読者の皆様お一人お一人に深く感謝申し上げます。



Books Channel Webmaster

"English version"

Merry Christmas to all readers! 

Thank you for your continued support of the BOOKS CHANNEL NOTE. With the special season of Christmas upon us, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of our readers.

Thanks to your unwavering support throughout the year, Books Channel has been able to operate as a bookstore + record store for another year. It was only possible because of your interest, your sharing, and most importantly, your enjoyment of Books Channel's content.

On this wonderful occasion of Christmas, we wish you and your loved ones health, safety and happiness. May the coming year bring you even more joy and success.

Merry Christmas!
Books Channel Webmaster

本日の付録 : クリスマスソング BooksChannel Version PIC002


クリスマスソング BooksChannel Version

