
トロントで働く②-2「え、仕事ってこんなに楽しくていいの⁉」:Working in Toronto Part.2-2"Wait, is work supposed to be this enjoyable and fulfilling!?"

《 日本語版🇯🇵 》





トロントで仕事探しをされている方のお役に立てれば嬉しいです ♪

Hope you enjoy it!! ;)

【 ミシュラン一つ星レストランバー🇫🇷 】




《 詳細 》
・見つけたサイト : Indeed
・雇用形態:パートタイム (週3)
・ベネフィット:チップ、Vacation pay、Holiday pay、朝と昼の賄い(計2食)、新人スタッフ歓迎ランチ会、スタッフのクリスマス会、アニュアルパーティー etc.

《 採用までの流れ 》




⭕ 良いところ ⭕


✘ 残念なところ ✘









さて次回は『 トロントで働く③「あ、ここでは働きたくないわ。」』についてのエピソードを共有できればと思います。



Thank you for reading!
Love y'all & See you later~♪

《 English ver.🇨🇦 》Translated by ChatGPT


 Hello! I'm a medi in Toronto. 😜✨ 

In my previous post, I shared my experience working in a Japanese restaurant in "Work in Toronto Part.2-1’Who you work with is important, isn't it?’" 

This time, I want to talk about my current job in a completely English-speaking environment, which I started after switching from a Co-op study program to a Working Holiday. 

I hope this can be helpful for those looking for work in Toronto. ♪

Hope you enjoy it!! ;)

【 Michelin One-Star Restaurant Bar 🇫🇷 】

So, after transitioning to a Working Holiday, I enthusiastically applied to various places to immerse myself in an English-speaking environment. 

One of the job postings that caught my eye was as follows:


《 Details 》
- Found on: Indeed- Position: Polisher & Support
- Employment type: Part-time (3 days a week)
- Hourly wage: $17.00
- Tips: Around $200 per week
- Benefits: Tips, Vacation pay, Holiday pay, two meals a day (breakfast and lunch), welcome lunch for new staff, staff Christmas party, annual party, etc.
- Duration: Currently in my 4th month

《 Hiring Process 》

Using Indeed, I found a position called "Polisher" that seemed to match my personality. With positive company reviews, I applied on a whim!
After a while, no response. 💬
Received an email inviting me to an online interview.
On the day, despite being nervous, I was hardly asked any questions, mainly about my resume. Still, I somehow passed and got the job. 🎉

By the way, this was my first time using Indeed for job hunting. Given its high competition, I was half skeptical, wondering if I'd really get a response. 

But for this posting, I had a mysterious intuition and confidence that "I feel a connection. I'll definitely get a reply. (It would be strange if I didn't!!)" So, when the email arrived, I couldn't help but celebrate with a triumphant pose. 💪😏✨

⭕ Good Points ⭕

- Completely English-speaking environment.

- Good communication within the company.

- Amazing people from upper management to service staff.

- Working in a Michelin one-star restaurant bar provides a high-quality team and lots of learning opportunities.

- Can leverage my strength of focusing for long hours on one thing.

✘ Not-so-Good Points ✘

…Well, there aren't many.

If I had to say, it's my weakness in English. 😅

Struggling to keep up with conversations and unable to come up with witty remarks leads to frequent moments of discouragement. 🥲

But on the flip side, there are positives to this too. 

I remain "insensitive" to the "darker aspects" of the workplace, complex relationships, and gossip, as I don't fully understand 100%, allowing me to focus on work without pretending, making it surprisingly comfortable. 😂✨

(…No, seriously, I should study English properly! 😅)

Anyway, unless something significant happens, I really want to stay here as long as possible. It's such a wonderful workplace! 😚💫

In conclusion...

How was it so far? I'd be happy if you could see it as "Oh, so there are workplaces like this." 

Next time, I'll share an episode about "Working in Toronto Part 3: 'Ah, I don't want to work here.'"

Personally, I had significant "realizations" about myself in this setting, so there might be parts that can be useful! 

Stay tuned!! 😆✨

Thank you for reading!
Love y'all & See you later~♪

