
留学いつもの日常日記 3/27/2023

One of my bestie's bday

オリエンテーションの時から仲良いシアトル出身の子の誕生日をお祝いした。アルバムボックスを作って、今までの写真を一緒に見返したんだけど、半年間とは思えないほど一緒に色んなところに行って、たくさん話して、勉強して、、すごい綺麗な青春を彼女とはおくれてるな、ってしみじみ思った。日本の高校での青春も楽しかったけど、こっちに来てからの友達との付き合いは少し素朴でのんびりしたストレスフリーなことが多いかも。Domestic studentsとはやっぱり留学生と比べると、仲良くなるのが難しいし、一緒にどこか行くまでの関係性を築くって大変だけど、彼女は本当に優しい。どこまでも自分の拙い英語を真剣に聞いてくれて、励ましてくれる。1人でもこういう存在が居てくれると本当に心強い。いつもありがとう。そして、お誕生日おめでとう。

The first day of the semester after spring break (1 week)

It's been a while to take four classes in a day from 8:00 in the morning to 4:30. I just managed to finish the first class (philosophy) somehow, and went to the next class (anthropology). I felt little bored and tired by listening other students' opinion in the second class. Because, tbh, most of the ideas were so simple and not fun to keep thinking about them. This class, especially kinda many students are lazy to study. I do not like to be in the environment. I came to here, to study and spend my college life harder and busier, but they demotivated me allot. But, I could say my opinion in a logical and coherent manner and the professor praised me. So, I like the class lol. (I am really optimistic and simple thinking person.) Other two classes were okay as usual. One is music history which is about how sounds of music have impact on our brains in neurological, biological, psychological ways. The professor is always insightful and good at joking so, I can fully enjoy myself. Today i felt I could speak English really smoothly as I wished and had no stress about language barrier. Hope tomorrow will be another great day;)



