インターネット調査室: 「Russia's crude deliveries to China and India have plunged 30% from their wartime peak as concerns mount that Asia can't fully absorb Moscow's shrinking oil market」 <ー 背景を考えると、唸ります

今回は「Russia's crude deliveries to China and India have plunged 30% from their wartime peak as concerns mount that Asia can't fully absorb Moscow's shrinking oil market」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Business Insider:  19 Jul,2022

「Russia's crude deliveries to China and India have plunged 30% from their wartime peak as concerns mount that Asia can't fully absorb Moscow's shrinking oil market」: あら? 予想に反し、お友達中国&インドがロシアからの原油の輸入が30%ダウン? 


Still, since war began, India and China have imported huge amounts of Russian crude oil.


since Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, shipments to Asia hit their lowest four-week average leading up to July 15 in nearly four months.



Soaring inflation and interest rate hikes across the globe have dampened the outlook for global growth and heightened recession fears 


検索キー: Russia's crude deliveries to China and India have plunged 30% from their wartime peak as concerns mount that Asia can't fully absorb Moscow's shrinking oil market
