インターネット調査室: 「Netanyahu vows to keep up 'fight' against Iran nuclear arms」
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AFP: 18 Apr,2023
「Netanyahu vows to keep up 'fight' against Iran nuclear arms」: ま、自然でしょう。
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Monday that Israel would continue its "fight" to prevent arch-foe Tehran from developing nuclear weapons, during a Holocaust ceremony attended by Iran's exiled crown prince.
Attending the ceremony was Iranian crown prince Reza Pahlavi, whose father was the shah overthrown in the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Pahlavi, who landed earlier Monday for his first visit to Israel as the guest of Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel, said ahead of the ceremony that the current Iranian regime did not represent the Iranian people.
In February, the UN nuclear watchdog said it had detected particles of uranium enriched to 83.7 percent in Iran, just under the 90 percent needed to produce an atomic bomb.
Iran denies wanting to acquire atomic weapons and says it had made no attempt to enrich uranium beyond 60-percent purity.
信憑性は、限りなく「?」と思います。北朝鮮も、昔同じことを言っていて、今は皆さんご存知の状態です。 イランは、北朝鮮のお友達です。
世界が気づいたら、イランが核保有国になっていていました~ じゃ、第二の北朝鮮ではありませんか?
だいたい、サダム・フセイン大統領時代のイラクがいい例で、原子力発電所とか言って何をしていたんですか? あの時、イスラエルが空爆していなければイラクはイスラエルを核攻撃していたでしょう。
検索キー: Netanyahu vows to keep up 'fight' against Iran nuclear arms