
第20回:Chat GPT に教えてもらった英語表現の実例④(前半)

こちらの記事では、第19回の記事でご紹介したQ&Aにおける筆者の表現に対してChat GPTが提案してくれた表現から、どのような表現を学習できるかをご紹介します。

Well, I was fascinated by the industry which I am engaged in. When I was a university student, I read a book about which the industry is related to, I was fascinated, I studied to enter the industry, I could manage to enter a company which belongs to the industry, and as I experienced the real works, I fine-tuned how to add value in the works and also develop my career in the industry itself. I changed my company in the middle of the 20s, and in the second company, third company, I widened my career experiences.


I was captivated by the industry I'm currently working in. When I was a university student, I read a book about the industry, which fascinated me. I worked hard to enter the field, and eventually, I managed to join a company within the industry. As I gained real-world experience, I refined my skills and developed my career. I switched companies in my mid-20s, and at my second and third jobs, I expanded my career experiences.

The industry I'm in has always fascinated me. As a university student, I read a book about it and became captivated. I worked diligently to enter the field and succeeded in joining a company within the industry. Through hands-on experience, I fine-tuned my skills and progressed in my career. In my mid-20s, I changed companies, and at my subsequent jobs, I broadened my career experiences.

I have always been fascinated by the industry I'm involved in. During university, a book about the industry caught my interest. I studied hard to enter the field and eventually joined a company in the industry. Through real work experiences, I honed my skills and advanced my career. In my mid-20s, I switched companies, and at my second and third companies, I further expanded my career experiences.

The industry I work in has always intrigued me. As a university student, I read a book about it and was hooked. I dedicated myself to entering the field and eventually landed a job in the industry. As I gained practical experience, I improved my skills and developed my career. In my mid-20s, I moved to a different company, and at my second and third companies, I broadened my career scope.

I was drawn to the industry I'm currently in. During my university years, I read a book related to the industry, which fascinated me. I pursued a career in the field, managed to get a job in the industry, and through hands-on work, I refined my skills and advanced my career. In my mid-20s, I switched companies, and at my subsequent jobs, I expanded my career experiences.


I am engaged in


I'm currently working in
I'm in
I'm involved in
I work in
I'm currently in

というChat GPTの表現がとても参考になりました。


engage in
be engaged in

の使い方が自分として確信がなく、別途Chat GPTに詳しく聞いてみて記事にしました。


a book about which the industry is related to

と冗長(なうえ話している途中に表現し方を変えたため、テキストにすると変な英語になっている)な表現になりましたが、Chat GPTは

a book about the industry
a book about it
a book related to the industry



enter the industry

と表現したところをChat GPTは

enter the field

と直してきたため enter the industry は不自然なのかと思い別のスレッドでChat GPTに以下の通り確認しましたが、

「業界にはいる」は enter the industry よりも enter the field の方が自然ですか。

「業界にはいる」という表現は「enter the industry」または「enter the field」のどちらでも使えますが、ニュアンスに若干の違いがあります。

enter the industry: 特定の産業や業界全体に入ることを指します。例えば、映画業界、IT業界、製造業など。
enter the field: 特定の専門分野や職種に入ることを指します。例えば、医療分野、教育分野、マーケティング分野など。

文脈によってどちらを使うかが変わりますが、業界全体を指す場合は「enter the industry」、特定の専門分野や職種を指す場合は「enter the field」がより自然です。

とのことで、enter the industry でも大丈夫なようです。


I could manage to enter a company which belongs to the industry

と表現しました(couldは誤り)が、これもChat GPTがより簡潔に

I managed to join a company within the industry
succeeded in joining a company within the industry
eventually joined a company in the industry
eventually landed a job in the industry
managed to get a job in the industry



as I experienced the real works


As I gained real-world experience
Through hands-on experience
Through real work experiences
As I gained practical experience
through hands-on work


workの単数形複数形がよくわからなかったので、別途Chat GPTにまとめて聞いて記事にしました。

また上記でexperience とexperiences の場合があったので、その背景もChat GPTに聞いてみました。

As I gained real-world experience
Through hands-on experience
Through real work experiences
As I gained practical experience

においてexperience とexperiences があるのはなぜですか。


例: "As I gained real-world experience, I became more confident."
日本語訳: 「実際の経験を積むにつれて、自信がつきました。」

例: "Through various work experiences, I learned different aspects of the job."
日本語訳: 「さまざまな仕事の経験を通じて、仕事のさまざまな側面を学びました。」

「As I gained real-world experience」: 実際の経験を全体的に指し、一般的に言及しています。
「Through hands-on experiences」: 個別の体験を指し、それぞれの具体的な出来事に焦点を当てています。




I changed my company

と、筆者は文法の本によくでてくるミス(companyを単数形にしてしまう)をしてしまい、Chat GPTは

I switched companies
I changed companies
I moved to a different company



in the middle of the 20s

と表現しましたが、Chat GPTは5パターンとも

in my mid-20s

と表現しています。(Chat GPTに筆者の表現は不自然かを聞いたところ、不自然ではないものの一般的ではないと返ってきました。)

ついでにChat GPTに20代前半、20代後半の表現も確認しました。



「20代前半」は英語で「early 20s」と言います。「20代後半」は「late 20s」と言います。

彼は20代前半です。→ He is in his early 20s.
彼女は20代後半です。→ She is in her late 20s.


in the second company, third company

と筆者は表現したものを、Chat GPTは

at my second and third jobs
at my subsequent jobs
at my second and third companies

と表現しています。(Chat GPTの表現の方がはるかにスマートです。)


I widened my career experiences

と表現した部分は、Chat GPTは

I (further) expanded my career experiences
I broadened my career experiences
I broadened my career scope



この結果は極端なものの、それなりに英会話を学習してきた筆者の現状が、Chat GPT前の時代の英語学習が(母国語と英語の構造上の距離が遠すぎる日本人にとって)いかに困難なものだったかを端的に表しているのではないかと思います。

Chat GPTがなかった時代は、私たちは英語の学習時間を増やしても ammunition や evocative のような難解な単語を5千語覚えること、come across や put out のような熟語を千個覚えることや "Let's get the ball rolling." や" think out of the box" のような会話表現を千個覚える方に走りがちでしたが、それらを実際のビジネスの現場で自分が話すことは非常に稀で、筆者も含めて日本の勉強熱心な人たちはビジネス英語のスピーキングのためのより効果的な英語学習に気づくことなく学習時間のみ増えていくというのが厳しい現実でした。



At first, because I was fascinated by the industry when I was a university student, I started to get in touch with the industry from theoretical side, and then I gradually got used to real work side too, gradually.


Initially, I was fascinated by the industry during my university years, so I began exploring it from a theoretical perspective. Gradually, I transitioned to getting accustomed to the practical side of the work.

My fascination with the industry began in university, where I first approached it from a theoretical standpoint. Over time, I slowly got used to the practical aspects of the work.

During university, my interest in the industry led me to study it theoretically at first. Gradually, I also became familiar with the hands-on, practical side of the job.

At university, my fascination with the industry started with theoretical studies. Bit by bit, I got used to the practical side of the work as well.

Initially captivated by the industry during my university years, I started with a theoretical approach and gradually transitioned to understanding the real-world work aspects.


I started to get in touch with the industry

と表現しましたが、Chat GPTは

I began exploring it
I first approached it
my interest in the industry led me to study
I started with … approach


筆者はChat GPTの出現により技術的に可能になってきていることから、これからの時代は英語を話すときもこれまで以上に日本語の直訳で話すので問題なくなってくると考えていますが、言語構造上意訳をした方がコミュニケーション相手にすっと伝わりやすいケースはこれからも残るのかもしれません。

ちなみにChat GPTに別のスレッドで「業界にふれはじめた」をより直訳風にすると英語でどういう表現になるかを尋ねたところ、

began to touch the industry



real work side

と表現しましたが、Chat GPTは

the practical side of the work
the practical aspects of the work
practical side of the job
the real-world work aspects


「実務」という表現を一般的にどのように言えばよいかを別のスレッドでChat GPTに確認したところ、

practical work
real-world tasks


また、ノンネイティブ英語話者である筆者的には the practical side of the work のような表現で practical と work の前それぞれに the がついているのがすっとはいってこなかったため、Chat GPTに以下の質問をして回答をもらいました。

the practical side of the work
the practical aspects of the work
practical side of the job


practical side of work
practical aspects of work
practical side of job



Practical side of work
Practical aspects of work

ただし、"practical side of job" は少し不自然に感じるため、通常は使いません。その場合は以下のような表現が適切です:

Practical side of a job
Practical aspects of a job


今回は1つ目の発話部分で予想外に修正点が多く長くなってしまったため一旦ここまでとさせていただき、3~5つ目の発話部分でChat GPTに教えてもらった表現は別の記事でご紹介できればと思います。

