










  • モチベーションアップ: えこひいきされた部下は、自分が評価されていると感じ、より一層努力するようになる。

  • エンゲージメント向上: 組織への貢献意識が高まり、より積極的に仕事に取り組むようになる。

  • パフォーマンス向上: モチベーションとエンゲージメントの向上が、結果的に仕事の成果へと繋がる。

  • 人材育成: えこひいきを通して、部下の能力やポテンシャルを最大限に引き出すことができる。


  • 不公平感の助長: 他部下は不公平を感じ、モチベーションが低下する可能性がある。

  • 組織の分裂: 不満を抱いた部下が離職したり、組織内で対立が生じたりする可能性がある。

  • 倫理的な問題: えこひいきが露骨であれば、企業の倫理観が問われる可能性がある。

  • リーダーの資質低下: えこひいきによって、リーダーとしての公平性や客観性が損なわれる可能性がある。


  • バレないようにする: えこひいきは、他の部下に悟られないように巧妙に行う必要がある。

  • 明確な基準を設ける: えこひいきを行う際には、客観的な基準を設け、その基準に基づいて判断することが重要である。

  • フィードバックをしっかり行う: えこひいきされた部下だけでなく、他の部下にも個別にフィードバックを行い、コミュニケーションを図ることが重要である。

  • 長期的な視点を持つ: えこひいきは、短期的な成果ではなく、長期的な視点を持って行う必要がある。



  • 戦略的えこひいき: 将来の組織にとって必要不可欠な人材と判断した部下に対して行うえこひいき。長期的な視点に立ち、人材育成に重点を置いている。

  • 戦術的えこひいき: 目前の課題を解決するために、特定の部下に頼るえこひいき。短期的な視点に立ち、成果を優先している。





Favoritism in Management: Wielding the Double-Edged Sword


In today's corporate world, one of the most critical challenges for managers is how to motivate and enhance the performance of their subordinates. In this regard, "favoritism" has emerged as a management tool garnering increasing attention.

What is Favoritism?

Favoritism refers to the preferential treatment or advantages bestowed by managers upon specific subordinates. While often perceived negatively, favoritism, under certain circumstances, can serve as an effective management tool.

Benefits of Favoritism

  • Motivation Boost: Favored subordinates feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased effort and dedication.

  • Engagement Enhancement: Organizational commitment strengthens, driving active participation in work endeavors.

  • Performance Improvement: Enhanced motivation and engagement translate into improved work outcomes.

  • Talent Development: Favoritism can be leveraged to maximize the potential and capabilities of subordinates.

Drawbacks of Favoritism

  • Perceived Injustice: Unfavored subordinates may experience resentment, leading to decreased motivation.

  • Organizational Discord: Dissatisfied employees may leave or create internal conflicts.

  • Ethical Concerns: Overt favoritism can tarnish the company's ethical reputation.

  • Diminished Leadership Credibility: Favoritism can compromise a leader's fairness and objectivity.

Keys to Successful Favoritism

  • Discretion: Favoritism should be practiced subtly, avoiding detection by other subordinates.

  • Established Criteria: Objective criteria should guide favoritism decisions, ensuring fairness.

  • Effective Feedback: Regular feedback, both to favored and unfavored subordinates, is crucial for maintaining communication.

  • Long-Term Perspective: Favoritism should be implemented with a long-term vision, not for immediate gains.

Strategic Favoritism vs. Tactical Favoritism

Favoritism can be broadly categorized into "strategic favoritism" and "tactical favoritism."

  • Strategic Favoritism: Favoritism directed towards individuals deemed indispensable for the organization's future. It emphasizes long-term talent development.

  • Tactical Favoritism: Favoritism shown to specific subordinates to address immediate challenges. It prioritizes short-term results.

Lessons from a Consulting Firm Background

I once worked in a consulting firm, an environment where merit and実績 reigned supreme, with minimal favoritism. However, upon establishing my own company, I realized the significance of attracting and nurturing top talent.

This experience instilled in me the belief that strategic favoritism can be a valuable management tool. While ethical considerations and potential drawbacks must be carefully addressed, when implemented judiciously, it can foster organizational growth.


Favoritism is a double-edged sword. Misused, it can inflict significant harm on an organization. However, when wielded appropriately, it can empower subordinates, elevate performance.

Managers must cultivate a deep understanding of favoritism, exercising sound judgment in its application.

This essay aims to serve as a valuable resource for managers.

Additional Insights from English Sources

Favoritism, while often viewed negatively, has been the subject of extensive research in the field of organizational psychology. Studies have shed light on both its positive and negative implications, providing valuable insights for managers.

A study published in the Journal of Management found that favoritism can positively impact employee motivation and job satisfaction. However, it also cautioned that favoritism can lead to perceptions of unfairness among unfavored employees, potentially decreasing their morale and productivity.

Another study, published in the Harvard Business Review, highlighted the importance of transparency in managing favoritism. Managers who openly communicate the rationale behind their decisions can help mitigate negative perceptions and maintain a sense of fairness among employees.

In conclusion, favoritism, when practiced thoughtfully and ethically, can be a valuable tool in a manager's arsenal. However, managers must exercise caution, carefully considering the potential consequences and taking steps to minimize negative impacts. By understanding the nuances of favoritism and employing it judiciously, managers can foster a more motivated, productive, and harmonious work environment.
