
A negative spirit can sprout in anyone's mind.マイナスの精神は誰の心にも芽生える可能性がある































それらを出してくれる SNS の良いねあるいは誰かからの楽しい連絡あるいは Amazon や Netflix の動画そして YouTube などの広告面白い動画これらが私たちのスマホの中でどんどんどんどん提供してきます

それはなぜならば私たちはスマホで検索をしたり動画を見たり SNS を使って広告を開いたりしています












どんどんどんどん脳をつかわないアイデアを実行に移さないということになると私たちはやるべきことは全て AI に代替されていくということになってきます























日本人は特に裏表があって SNS の利用は世界トップレベルと言われています

SNS で匿名で他人に攻撃をするいじめをする悪口を言う悲劇範囲を言うということが猛烈に多いのが日本人私達ですね












A negative spirit can sprout in anyone's mind. What I mean by this is that negative emotions, negative feelings, negative spirits, can grow in any human being. We are not perfect beings, so no matter how hard we try to sharpen our minds, there will always be a sense of entitlement somewhere, a sense of indulgence somewhere, a sense of wrongness somewhere. We can't fight the temptation to do what we want, because it's in our genes to jump on the merits right in front of us. It's in our genes to want to take advantage of what's immediately available to us. Because our ancestors, when they saw food, they had to take it and eat it immediately, because they didn't know if there would be food tomorrow. There was water in front of them, and if they didn't drink it now, they might die tomorrow because there was no water. In the old days, geniuses often ruined the fields and made it impossible to harvest. And we were dying in chorus or starving to death. So we jump at the merits in front of us, the food in front of us, the drink in front of us. It's a true and honest emotion that we have. When we see a snack in front of us, we immediately eat it. We have a weakness for sweets, sugary foods, alcohol, gambling, and anything that offers easy benefits and easy pleasure. We have a tendency to think of even seemingly wonderful people, to give in to treats, to lust, to temptation. First of all, it's important to know that we often can't win against those feelings. This is because that's what our genes are designed to do. It's a natural feeling, a natural thought. So it's important to know that we can't win when it comes to anticipating such temptations. It's important to plan for them in advance. In other words, it is important to understand and accept that we cannot win against them. In other words, it is important to understand that we can't win against our desires and temptations. It is important to understand that it is futile to try to overcome those desires and temptations. It is important to understand that it is useless to try to overcome these desires and temptations. It is important to avoid looking at alcohol, because when we see such things as cake, cookies, shaved ice, ice cream, buns, etc. in front of us, we can easily grab them. It's easy for us to pick them up and put them in our mouths. So the point is So the point is, you can't fight those feelings, you can't win them, so you have to physically distance yourself from them, or make them invisible, and remove them from your brain. It's important to understand that no matter how hard you try, you will be defeated by these forces. These days, 60% to 80% of the people on the train are looking at their phones, and that's because they are letting their phones control their dopamine. Dopamine is a hedonic substance that makes us feel good. It's what makes us feel good, and it's what's provided to us by social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, or by a pleasant call from someone, or by a video on Amazon or Netflix, or by a funny advertisement on YouTube. That's because we use our phones to search, watch videos, use social networking sites, and open ads. It remembers everything, it knows what we're interested in, what we're paying attention to, what we want. So they will suggest and offer us various ways to make us feel better, to make us feel more comfortable. And if there's something interesting that doesn't appear on the list, we'll tap on it, click on it, and that's the routine, and we're brainwashed by the phone. So it seems like we are manipulated by our phones, but in fact we are being manipulated by our phones. And it can interfere with our sleep and our ability to think. We can write with the flick of a pen, a ballpoint pen, or a Sharpie. We know that we use pencils, ballpoint pens, mechanical pencils, etc., and that we use our fingers far less. We know that the movements of the fingers are overwhelmingly small, so we know that the movements of the fingers are short-circuited, and then the fingers are connected to the brain, so we have a situation where the brain is not being activated. The important thing to remember is that it's easy to get pleasure from these substances without thinking about it. In fact, we're evolving, but we're regressing. We are being manipulated by our smartphones without even thinking about it. If we don't use our brains more and more, and don't put our ideas into action, then everything we do will be replaced by AI. And because we are human beings, we have emotions, we have hearts, and no matter how much we try to be healthy, to live right, to be strong, to be right, we will always be in the hands of someone else. We are all human and have emotions. There is a popular saying that people's misfortune is the taste of honey. This is also because people want to feel better about themselves and recognize that they are happier than others by seeing others who are unhappier than them. If you can't feel happy no matter how hard you try, especially if others are unhappy on their own, you can misunderstand that you are relatively happy. Therefore, such negative elements are always present in each of us. And even if we try to eliminate them, we can't. The reason for this is that we have an instinct to satisfy our desire to be happy, and we cannot live without our desires, so it is natural to have negative emotions when we have important desires. There is a saying that a sound mind resides in a sound body. If you are training your body and keeping your body in shape, your body and mind will naturally improve. What we can see here is that a sound mind does not necessarily mean a sound body. So what does that mean? It's the law of as if, and we'll continue to see this, that we act like something. It's not that if we train our minds, we can train our bodies. If your body is healthy, your mind will be healthy. If your body is unhealthy, it is difficult to have a healthy mind. So what's important is to cultivate physical health first, and then the mind will follow. Nowadays, people are working from home in Corona, which means they don't have to commute. This is why mental illnesses such as mental illness, depression and suicide are on the rise. The reason for this is that the body can't work out, the body can't move, and the mind can't move either. In this situation, it is easy to generate a negative mentality. It's important to pay attention to your health and exercise now and then, because it's easy to generate negative emotions and negative feelings. It is said that Japanese people are the world's top users of social networking sites. The Japanese are very prone to anonymous attacks, bullying, name-calling, and tragicomedy on social networking sites. This is because we live in a state of suppressing ourselves, hiding ourselves, unable to express our feelings in the real world, unable to criticize, unable to express ourselves in words. This is due to the Japanese culture of living in a group, which places a high value on group order. However, when we use our phones in such a situation, it becomes a vicious cycle of mental illness due to lack of sleep caused by the blue light of the phone. We can't be controlled by someone else's phone, by others, or by bad habits. We are not controlled by someone else's phone, or by others, or by bad habits. When we want to look at our emotions, which we control, or our phones, which we control, we can set a time and limit it. And we can see that we are in a time when it is very important to be able to listen to the words of others and not be swayed by them. From now on, it is natural for us to have negative emotions and negative thoughts. It is natural for us to have negative emotions and negative thoughts, but how can we separate them from the rest of our lives and how can we control ourselves? We can realize that the important point is not to compare ourselves with others, but to compare ourselves with the past. That's all.
