
A letter

Last night, I found a letter I received from one of my high school teachers whom I’ve always loved and respected. At that time, it was challenging for me to understand what he meant, but now happy to be able to comprehend it more naturally. Many students struggle with studying for various reasons, such as for parental expectations or their own goals. But for me, the reason was to be commended by him. Reading back the letter, it was filled with heartfelt, encouraging, beautiful words.

Let me share some of the messages with you. The letter said, “Test results are important. But they don't show who you really are. They don’t know you care about family or friends a lot. They don’t know your smile can brighten the dreariest day. They don’t know you are very trustworthy, kind, thoughtful and try, every day, to be your very best.” What he meant was what The Little Prince taught us - "Figures are quite unimportant", "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart”

I’m glad I was one of his students.

