Background and Overview of the Trial Process

Mother, S. I.
Born on 16.10.1925, died on 13.7.2017 at Orido Hospital. 91 years old. Physically disabled, hearing impaired, lived independently, walked with a cane to prevent falls, and used day care services.

2017.5.9~7.7 Admitted to Aichi Medical University Hospital for treatment of pneumonia.

7.7~7.13, 2017 Transferred to Nisshin City Orido Hospital for continued pneumonia treatment and rehabilitation. 2 hours after the transfer, she was physically restrained in both hands and torso. No explanation was given to her family. Her condition deteriorated rapidly and she became critically ill on July 13. When the family asked for the restraints to be removed, the nurses told them that they would tie her up again after the visit. Forty minutes later, she died.

In September, the family had a meeting with Dr. Kosaka, the doctor in charge at Aichi Medical University Hospital. The doctor said, “I would not have transferred her if she was such a condition that would have died within a week.”

In October, we met with Dr. Shiraishi, the doctor in charge of the patient, at Orido Hospital. The doctor said, “The patient’s condition was very bad when she was transferred. I have been talking with Aichi Medical University, but rehabilitation was just a superficial reason. Physical restraints are used for safety reasons, because if she falls and breaks a bone, she will be bedridden.”

In August, the medical records of Orido Hospital were disclosed. On July 7, the day of the transfer, Dr. Shiraishi wrote: "Hospital free, able to walk unassisted, able to bathe, one vital sign per day, consciousness mostly clear, normal respiratory sounds, level of independence in daily living A1.” This is proof that the patient was not seriously ill at the time of transfer.

In October, a request for court proceedings was made to Nagoya Kyodo Law Office.
In March 2018, we met with Director Yoshioka of Tamadaira-no-Mori Hospital (which had worked on the movement of the abolition of physical restraints by hospitals since 1986), the head nurse of Tamadaira-no-Mori Hospital (a member of the Manual for the Elimination of Physical Restraints published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Japan), and the hospital's administrative director (a member of the National Committee for the Abolition of Physical Restraints).
October 18, 2019: Filed a lawsuit against Oriodo Hospital in Nagoya District Court.
2020.2~ Trial begins.
May 11, 2022 Examination of witnesses Trial (planned)


*特定非営利活動法人 全国抑制廃止研究会
