
英語長文読解 英検2級レベル


Samantha is a high school student who loves history. One day, her history teacher announced that the class would be going on a field trip to a famous museum. Samantha was thrilled! She had always wanted to visit this museum.

The night before the trip, Samantha couldn't sleep because she was so excited. She read about the museum online and learned that it had a vast collection of artifacts from different time periods. There were ancient Egyptian mummies, medieval knight's armor, and even items from the space age.

On the day of the field trip, Samantha and her classmates arrived at the museum early in the morning. They were greeted by a knowledgeable tour guide named Mr. Johnson. He led them through the museum, explaining the history behind each artifact. Samantha was amazed by how much she was learning.

One of her favorite exhibits was the section on ancient Egypt. She marveled at the well-preserved mummies and the intricate hieroglyphics on the walls. Mr. Johnson explained how the Egyptians believed in the afterlife and how they prepared their deceased for it.

As the tour continued, Samantha couldn't help but take notes. She knew she would have to write a report about the field trip when she returned to school. She was determined to include all the fascinating details she had learned.

At the end of the tour, Samantha thanked Mr. Johnson for the wonderful experience. She left the museum with a deep appreciation for history and a desire to learn even more about the past.

thrilled 興奮した
mummies ミイラ
marvel 驚嘆する
preserve 保存する
intricate 複雑な
hieroglyphics 古代エジプトの文字システム
deceased 故人
fascinating 魅力的な
desire 欲望


  1. Samantha's passion is in which subject?

  2. What was Samantha's reaction when her teacher announced the field trip?

  3. What did Samantha learn about the museum online the night before the trip?

  4. Who guided Samantha's class during the museum tour?

  5. What was one of Samantha's favorite exhibits at the museum?

  6. What did Mr. Johnson explain about ancient Egyptians?

  7. Why was Samantha taking notes during the tour?

  8. How did Samantha feel about the field trip at the end?


  1. Samantha's passion is in history.

  2. Samantha was thrilled and excited when her teacher announced the field trip.

  3. Samantha learned that the museum had a vast collection of artifacts from different time periods.

  4. Mr. Johnson, a knowledgeable tour guide, guided Samantha's class during the museum tour.

  5. One of Samantha's favorite exhibits at the museum was the section on ancient Egypt.

  6. Mr. Johnson explained how the Egyptians believed in the afterlife and how they prepared their deceased for it.

  7. Samantha was taking notes during the tour because she knew she would have to write a report about the field trip.

  8. Samantha left the museum with a deep appreciation for history and a desire to learn even more about the past.

サマンサは歴史が大好きな高校生。 ある日、歴史の先生がクラス全員で有名な博物館へ遠足に行くと発表しました。 サマンサは大喜びでした! 彼女はいつもこの博物館を訪れたいと思っていました。

旅行の前夜、サマンサは興奮のあまり眠れませんでした。 彼女はこの博物館についてオンラインで読み、さまざまな時代の膨大な遺物のコレクションを所蔵していることを知りました。 古代エジプトのミイラ、中世の騎士の甲冑、さらには宇宙時代のアイテムまでありました。

遠足の日、サマンサとクラスメートは早朝に博物館に到着しました。 彼らはジョンソン氏という名の知識豊富なツアーガイドに迎えられました。 彼は彼らを博物館内に案内し、それぞれの工芸品の背後にある歴史を説明しました。 サマンサは自分がどれだけ学んでいるかに驚きました。

彼女のお気に入りの展示品の 1 つは、古代エジプトに関するセクションでした。 彼女は保存状態の良いミイラと壁に描かれた複雑な象形文字に驚嘆した。 ジョンソン氏は、エジプト人があの世をどのように信じていたか、そして死者にどのように備えるかを説明した。

ツアーが続く中、サマンサはメモを取らずにはいられませんでした。 彼女は、学校に戻ったら、遠足についてのレポートを書かなければならないことを知っていました。 彼女は、これまで学んだ興味深い詳細をすべて盛り込むことに決めました。

ツアーの終わりに、サマンサさんは素晴らしい経験をしてくれたジョンソン氏に感謝しました。 彼女は歴史に対する深い感謝と、過去についてもっと知りたいという願望を持って博物館を去りました。
