
英語 長文読解 英検2級レベル


Mark had always been a bookworm. He loved spending his weekends in the cozy corner of his room, lost in the world of books. However, this summer, his parents had a different idea. They wanted Mark to spend some time outdoors and learn a new skill. So, they enrolled him in a summer camp for archery.

On the first day of camp, Mark felt a bit nervous. He had never held a bow and arrow before, and the thought of shooting arrows seemed daunting. However, his camp instructor, Coach Sarah, was patient and knowledgeable. She started with the basics, teaching Mark how to safely handle the equipment.

As the days went by, Mark's confidence grew. He practiced diligently, perfecting his stance and aim. He discovered that archery was not only about strength but also about focus and precision. Coach Sarah encouraged him every step of the way.

One sunny afternoon, Mark hit a bullseye for the first time. He couldn't contain his excitement. It was a defining moment in his archery journey. From that day on, he became even more dedicated to improving his skills.

At the end of the summer, Mark participated in an archery competition at the camp. He may not have won, but he was proud of how far he had come. He realized that trying something new and stepping out of his comfort zone had been a rewarding experience.


  1. What was Mark's favorite pastime before the summer camp?

  2. Why did Mark's parents enroll him in an archery summer camp?

  3. How did Mark feel on the first day of camp?

  4. Who was Mark's camp instructor, and how did she help him?

  5. What did Mark discover about archery as he practiced?

  6. What was a significant moment in Mark's archery journey?

  7. How did Mark feel about his participation in the archery competition at the end of the summer?


  1. Mark's favorite pastime before the summer camp was reading books.

  2. Mark's parents enrolled him in an archery summer camp to encourage him to spend time outdoors and learn a new skill.

  3. On the first day of camp, Mark felt a bit nervous and unsure because he had never held a bow and arrow before.

  4. Mark's camp instructor was Coach Sarah, who was patient and knowledgeable. She taught Mark how to safely handle the equipment and encouraged him throughout.

  5. Mark discovered that archery was not only about strength but also about focus and precision as he practiced.

  6. A significant moment in Mark's archery journey was when he hit a bullseye for the first time on a sunny afternoon.

  7. Mark felt proud of how far he had come in his archery skills and realized that trying something new had been a rewarding experience at the end of the summer.
