
【4】Recmd. matanity goods 妊娠中(前)便利グッズ紹介

Today I introduce Japanese food for pregnancy!

This is Japanese chicken ramen. This is little bit big for morning sick (feeling nauseous), so I cut it 1/4! In the middle of pregnancy, now I can eat the 1 bag( it including 5 bags). When you couldn't eat up after putting hot water, you can keep them at fridge devided as noodle and soup. Or your husband can eat them up ;)

This ramen has 2 types of flaver. This 1 bag size is the same as 1/4 of Chicken ramen that I introduce before. Now at middle of pregnancy, I eat it for snack at 15:00!

This is very old snack ramen. The size is as the before ramen, but it is pork bones' taste. Recently I cannot find this product at supermarkets… So I will buy this at Amazon!

When I wanted to eat sweet snacks, the best snack was this! I changed my taste after pregnancy( it often happens OMG), and this castella was easy to eat! This is from Japanese Nagasaki prefecture so very tasty!

I still have many products to introduce,,, I will write them tomorrow!
Thank you for checking this page, SUKI, follow!
