
インド歴史文化 ヴェーダの諺と世界の諺比較

「真実に向かう」と言う事。 Moving towards the truth.古代インド Ancient India

Strive to move away from untruth towards truth. – Atharva Veda

偽りから離れ、真実に向かうよう努めよ。 – アタルヴァ・ヴェーダ 

日本 Japan

赤塚不二夫 、1935- 2008 日本の漫画家、タレント、俳優。満洲国熱河省生まれ。

Baka dakara koso katareru sinjitu tte ippai aru.

There are lots of truths that can be told only because I am an idiot. 
Fujio Akatsuka , 1935- 2008 Japanese cartoonist, TV personality and actor. Born in Manchukuo.


Connotation can be; it is in line with the Veda’s phrase in the sense that we should aim only for the truth with single-mindedness, I think.

英語圏の諺   Proverb in the English-speaking area.

Fools and children tell the truth.  English Proverb

試訳; 愚か者と子供は真実を語る。


Connotation: If it means to say that many people depart from the truth when people grow up, and that people have to consciously detach themselves from falsities. isn't that closer to what the Vedas mean?  

ドイツ語の諺 German proverb

Ohne Gefahr geschieht keine große und denkwürdige Tat.

Ulrich von Hutten (1488 - 1523), deutscher Renaissance-Humanist, Dichter und Publizist, erster Reichsritter und Förderer der Reformation 



Trial translation into English: No great and memorable deed happens without danger.

Author; Ulrich von Hutten (1488 - 1523), German Renaissance humanist, poet and publicist, first imperial knight and promoter of the Reformation.


Connotation; There were once some people who fought against the falsehoods of authority holders and fought to hold the truth in their hands. How about now?“

フランス語の諺 Proverb in French

Feindre de croire un mensonge est un mensonge exquis.
Maurice Chapelan, un journaliste, essayiste , 1906  - 1992


Trial translation into English; To try to believe a lie is an exquisite lie
Maurice Chapelan, journalist and essayist, 1906 - 1992


Connotation; A lie is a lie, even if it is decorated with beautiful words, and as the Vedic phrase states, one must stay away from such lies.
