
【労働記事サマリー/Labour-related News Summary】#1(2024.1.1-1.7)

1.2023年ベトナム経済成長率5.05%/Vietnamese economy expands 5.05% in 2023 (Vietnamnet, 2023.12.29)


Vietnam's GDP is estimated to grow by 5.05% in 2023, accelerating to 6.72% in Q4. Sector Contributions are as follows—agriculture: 8.84%, industrial and construction: 28.87%, and service: 62.29%. Despite the growth, challenges are anticipated in 2024. Collaboration between the government, business community, and the public is crucial. Ministries should enhance forecasting and implement flexible measures for socio-economic recovery.

2. 人材開発部による熟練労働者対応/The Department of Human Resource Development deal on skilled labour (Daily Express, 2024.1.3)

人材開発部(JPSM)とマレーシア自動車ロボットおよびIoT研究所(MARii)は、熟練労働者の育成を目指し覚書(MoU)に署名した。この協力は、若い労働者に産業ニーズに合った必要なスキルと知識を提供し、仕事の機会を確保し、失業率の削減に寄与するものである。2035年までに人材開発の先駆者をめざすJPSMは、市場の要求に応じた多様なスキルトレーニングプログラムを提供する。Sabah Industry LED Professional Certificate(SIPC)プログラムとSabah Industry Certificate Engineering-Digital Engineering Prototyping(SICE-DEP)プログラムは、自動車産業でのキャリア開発の取り組みの一つである。MARiiがか機器寄付をしており、これによりサバ州にある職業訓練機関が自動車産業における成長が見込まれる。

The Department of Human Resource Development (JPSM) and Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) have signed an MoU to collaborate on education and the Technical and Vocational Training Programme (TVET) to develop a skilled workforce. The collaboration focuses on equipping youth with essential skills and knowledge aligned with industry needs, ensuring job opportunities and contributing to the state government's efforts to reduce unemployment. JPSM, aiming to be a leader in human capital development by 2035, will work on diverse skills training programs. The Sabah Industry LED Professional Certificate (SIPC) Programme and Sabah Industry Certificate Engineering-Digital Engineering Prototyping Programme (SICE-DEP) are examples of initiatives to initiate careers in the automotive industry, supported by equipment donations from MARii to training institutions in Sabah.

!!My Insights!!
Sabah and Sarawak, usually called as West Malaysia, have their own autonomy system. The Central government does not focus too much on these two states, resulting in less industrial growth compared to the main peninsula. Such MOU in the article can be a good gateway for the growth of Sabah. 

3. 外国人労働者の受け入れを模索する韓国/Korea searches for better ways to embrace foreign workers (The Korea Times, 2024. 1.1)


2024 is anticipated to mark the first time the number of foreign workers in South Korea surpasses 1 million, with recent data indicating a record high of 923,000. The government's plan to bring in an additional 165,000 workers in 2024 highlights the nation's increasing reliance on imported labour. Korean companies argue that they are facing a shrinking population and a reluctance of young jobseekers to engage in low-paying manual work. They have no choice but to depend on foreign workers for survival. The labour shortage is particularly evident in sectors like manufacturing, a crucial component of the Korean economy. Despite efforts by the government to ease visa regulations and support the stay of foreign workers in Korea, there is still a significant gap between labor and employers regarding the hiring of foreign workers. Conflicts persist, with concerns about productivity, costs, and discrimination against foreign workers, highlighting the need for comprehensive discussions on foreign labor policies and integration measures.

4. ASEAN外相、南シナ海の緊張について発言/ASEAN Foreign Ministers Speak Out About South China Sea Tensions (The Diplomat, 2024.1.2)

ASEAN外相は、南シナ海の緊張の高まりへの懸念を遅いながら表明し、地域の平和に対する潜在的な脅威を認識した。声明は、2023年末に出され、対立国に対し平和に対話するよう呼びかけた。2023年は、中国により南シナ海での対立が激化(特にフィリピンが主張するSecond Thomas Shoal周辺)。中国はフィリピンの補給任務を妨害するために侵略的な手段を講じ、船舶の衝突や高圧水砲、軍用レーザーの使用が行われた。ASEAN外相による南シナ海に関する独立した声明は初めてであり、紛争をエスカレートさせる活動に自制心を保つ重要性を強調した。また、域内の安定や海洋協力における平和的な対話の重要性を繰り返しアピールした。声明の発表が遅いという非難はあるものの、この声明は南シナ海対応についてASEANが分裂せず取り組む重要な第一歩と捉えることができる。

ASEAN foreign ministers expressed belated concern over escalating tensions in the South China Sea, acknowledging the potential threat to regional peace. The statement, issued on the second-to-last day of 2023, urged rival claimants to engage in peaceful dialogue. The year 2023 witnessed increased confrontations in the South China Sea, primarily driven by China's assertive actions, particularly around the Second Thomas Shoal, claimed by the Philippines. China took aggressive steps to hinder Philippine resupply missions, leading to collisions and the deployment of water cannons and military-grade lasers. In their first standalone statement on the South China Sea, the ASEAN ministers emphasized the importance of self-restraint in activities escalating disputes. They reiterated the need for peaceful dialogue contributing to regional stability and maritime cooperation. Despite criticism for delayed action, the statement is a significant first step in building ASEAN solidarity amid intra-bloc divisions over the South China Sea.

!!My Insights!!
This is my initial reaction to this article here, but I wish such a statement by ASEAN would also be made on Myanmar's agenda (which is unlikely to happen). It is also important to note that Lao PDR is this year's ASEAN chair (a highly pro-China country), expecting that ASEAN will keep the status quo without any visible action against the Myanmar junta.


