
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   7月17日 July 17

イザヤ書 43:1【口語訳】
But now Yahweh who created you, Jacob,
    and he who formed you, Israel, says:
“Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you.
    I have called you by your name.
    You are mine.

Isaiah 43:1【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。イザヤ書 43:1 Isaiah 43:1
Believers face life's challenges together with God, considering God's deep love and promises
as a special relationship, like that of a husband and wife.


イザヤ書 43:1 から導き出される信仰生活の教訓
1. 神の深い愛と御守りの約束

2. 神との特別な関係
3. 困難に立ち向かう信仰
私は、困難や試練に直面した時、イザヤ書 43:1 の言葉を思い出し、神の深い愛と御守りの約束に信頼を置き、日々の生活の中で、神との特別な関係を意識し、感謝の気持ちをもって歩み、神から与えられた使命を自覚し、積極的に歩んでいけるようにと祈ります。

This passage of Scripture teaches us the importance of God's deep love, His promise of protection, our special relationship with Him, and our faith in the face of challenges. Let us take these lessons to heart and walk in them daily.
Lessons for a life of faith drawn from Isaiah 43:1
1. the promise of God's deep love and protection
In this verse, God delivers a message to Jacob and Israel that begins with the words, "Do not be afraid. This reflects the situation of the Israelites at that time, who were threatened by neighboring nations and were deeply anxious. Yet God promises to love and protect them in the midst of such circumstances.
For believers, this divine promise is a great encouragement. Life is full of difficulties and trials, but it is important to remember that God continues to love and watch over us even in such times. God's deep love and promise of protection gives us courage, hope, and strength to overcome difficulties.
2. special relationship with God
God calls Jacob and Israel "he who praised Me," "he whose name I have called" and "mine," emphasizing the special relationship He has with them. This means that God has chosen them to be His people.
For believers, too, this special relationship with God is a great comfort. We are chosen and loved by God and saved from sin by His Son Jesus Christ. This special relationship with God gives us irreplaceable value and a guide for living.
3. faith in the face of difficulties
God reminds Jacob and Israel of the mission He has given them through the words, "He whom I have called by your name. It was to manifest God's glory and to communicate God's salvation to other peoples.
For believers, too, God has given each an individual mission. It is not necessarily a big one, but fulfilling a God-given mission is an important opportunity to respond to God's love and express our gratitude.
When I am faced with difficulties and trials, I remember the words of Isaiah 43:1 and pray that I may place my trust in God's deep love and promise of protection, and that in my daily life I may be aware of my special relationship with God, walk with gratitude, and be aware of my God-given mission and walk actively in it.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
