
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   4月18日 April 18

マタイ 22:37【口語訳】
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
Matthew 22:37【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。マタイ 22:37 Matthew 22:37
Believers devote their souls to their own work, whatever the circumstances,
thanks to God's love and grace.

1. 神への全き愛の重要性
2. 神への愛の具体的な実践
· 神のことばである聖書を学び、神を知る努力をする。
· 毎日の祈りを習慣化し、神と親密な関係を築く。
· 日々の生活の中で神に感謝し、神を賛美する。
· 神の御心を探求し、神の愛を実践する。
· 周囲の人々に愛を示し、神の愛を伝える。
3. 神への愛と信仰の成長
4. 神への愛の喜び
This Scripture, Jesus calls these words "the most important, the first commandment".
1. the importance of total love for God.
These words show that love for God is the foundation of the life of faith. To love God means not merely emotional love, but a wholehearted devotion to God.
2. concrete practice of love for God
Concrete practices of love for God include the following actions
· Study the Bible, the Word of God, and make an effort to know God.
· Make daily prayer a habit and develop an intimate relationship with God.
  Thank God and praise Him in your daily life. ·
· Explore God's will and practise His love.
  Show love and share God's love with those around them. ·
3. love for God and growing in faith
Love for God is the most important element of a life of faith, and at the same time the most difficult task. However, through prayer to God, reading the Bible and interacting with fellow believers, love for God gradually grows.
4. the joy of love for God
When one truly loves God, one can find true joy and peace. Love for God also gives strength to overcome hardships and trials in life.
I pray that by seeking love for God first and foremost in our life of faith and by practising total love for God, we can attain true joy and peace.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
