ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024] 10月4日 October 4
Ⅰコリント 12:6【口語訳】
There are various kinds of workings, but the same God, who works all things in all.
ⅠCorinthians 12:6【WEB】
· 神の一つの霊: 私たち一人ひとりに異なる賜物が与えられていますが、それらはすべて、一つの聖霊から与えられたものです。
· 多様性の価値: 教会は、様々な賜物を持つ人々が集まることで、より豊かになります。
· それぞれの役割: 神は、私たち一人ひとりに、教会の中で果たすべき役割を与えておられます。
· 賜物の活用: 与えられた賜物を最大限に活用し、神に栄光を帰しましょう。
· 互いの尊重: 異なる賜物を持つ人々を認め合い、尊重し合いましょう。
· 自己発見: 自分にはどのような賜物が与えられているのか、自己発見の時間を持ちましょう。
· 賜物の活用: 与えられた賜物を活かすために、教会での奉仕や、個人的な成長に努めましょう。
· 他者の賜物を認める: 周りの人々の賜物を認め、感謝の気持ちを持ちましょう。
· 教会の統一: 異なる賜物を持つ人々が、一つの体として一つに結ばれるように祈りましょう。
· 霊的な成長: 聖霊の導きを求め、日々霊的に成長していきましょう。
This passage of Scripture celebrates the diversity of the church and teaches that each member is to contribute to the growth of the church by using the gifts God has given them. We need to recognize and appreciate not only our own gifts, but also those of other members, and work together to build up the body of Christ.
It shows us that God works in many ways by one Spirit. This means that each member of the church has different gifts and can use them to serve God.
Lessons for believers to apply in their life of faith
·One Spirit of God: Each of us has been given different gifts, but they all come from the one Holy Spirit.
The value of · diversity: the church is enriched when people with different gifts come together.
·The Role of Each: God has given each of us a role to play in the church.
·Utilization of Gifts: Let us make the best use of the gifts we have been given and give glory to God.
· Respect for One Another: Recognize and respect those who have different gifts.
Application to the Life of Faith
● Self-Discovery: Take time for self-discovery about what gifts you have been given.
● Utilization of Gifts: Strive for service in the church and personal growth in order to make use of the gifts you have been given.
● Acknowledge the gifts of others: Acknowledge and appreciate the gifts of those around you. ·
● Unity of the Church: Pray for people with different gifts to be united as one body.
● Spiritual Growth: Let us seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually every day.
I believe that the church is diverse and that each member can contribute to its growth by using his or her God-given gifts.
I pray that we will recognize and appreciate not only our own gifts, but also those of other members, and be willing to serve in cooperation with one another to build up the church, the body of Christ.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).