
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   7月28日 July 28

マタイ 23:12【口語訳】

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.                                      Matthew 23:12【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。マタイ 23:12 Matthew 23:12
The believer rightly expresses humility as a gift to everyone.


1. 謙遜の重要性

· 自己中心からの脱却: この言葉は、人間が陥りがちな自己中心的な考え方を戒めています。自分自身を過大評価し、他者を軽視する態度は、神のみ前にあっては許されません。
· 神の栄光を優先: 神は、謙遜な心を持ち、自分よりも他者を優先する者を喜ばれます。私たちが信仰生活において最も大切にするべきは、自分の名誉や地位ではなく、神の栄光です。
· 成長への第一歩: 謙遜な心は、霊的な成長のための第一歩です。自分の無知や不完全さを認め、神に頼る姿勢こそが、私たちを成長させてくれます。

2. 神との正しい関係性

· 神の主権: 神は全知全能であられ、私たち人間は神に比べれば無力な存在です。このことを自覚し、神の前に謙遜になることは、神との正しい関係性を築くために不可欠です。
· 神の恵み: 神は私たちを愛し、恵みを豊かに与えてくださいます。私たちが謙遜な心で神に近づくとき、その恵みはますます豊かになるでしょう。
· 神の民としての役割: 神の民として、私たちは謙遜な心で互いを愛し、奉仕し合うことが求められます。

3. 教会における実践

· リーダーシップ: 教会の指導者は、権力を行使するのではなく、謙遜な心で奉仕者としての役割を果たすことが求められます。
· 共同体: 教会のメンバーは、互いを認め合い、高め合い、謙遜な心で共同体を築いていくことが大切です。
· 福音宣教: 謙遜な心で福音を宣べ伝えることは、人々の心を打ち、神の国を広げる上で非常に重要です。

These are the words spoken by Jesus in his admonition of false religious leaders. These words make us think deeply about the attitude of humility we should have in our life of faith and our right relationship to God.
It teaches us how important it is to have a humble heart in our life of faith. By abandoning self-centeredness and humbling ourselves before God, we can deepen our relationship with God and build a healthy community within the church.
Let us consider the lessons for our life of faith that can be drawn from this passage of Scripture from three perspectives.
1. the importance of humility
·Breaking free from self-centeredness: this phrase warns against the self-centeredness to which human beings are prone. An attitude of overestimating ourselves and disrespecting others is unacceptable before God.
·Prioritize the Glory of God: God delights in those who have a humble heart and put others before themselves. The most important thing we should value in our life of faith is not our honor or status, but the glory of God.
·FIRST STEP TO GROWTH: A humble heart is the first step toward spiritual growth. It is our willingness to admit our ignorance and imperfections and to rely on God that makes us grow.
2. right relationship with God
·God's Sovereignty: God is omniscient and omnipotent, and we humans are powerless compared to Him. Being aware of this and humbling ourselves before God is essential to a right relationship with Him.
·God's grace: God loves us and gives us grace in abundance. As we approach God with humility, that grace will be ever more abundant.
·Our Role as God's People: As God's people, we are called to love and serve one another with humility of heart. 3.
3. practice in the church
·LEADERSHIP: Church leaders are expected to serve with humility, not by exercising authority.
·Community: members of the church are to build community through mutual recognition, mutual edification, and humility.
·Gospel Proclamation: proclaiming the gospel with a humble heart is critical to striking people's hearts and extending the Kingdom of God.
I pray for God's help and guidance to keep this scripture in mind and to develop a humble heart in my daily life of faith.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
