Idea: Creating a standard for people to live and making it mandatory to utilize it. アイディア : 人が生きるための規格の作成と、それを活用するための義務化


Creating standards for people to live

・ Standards for raising children for parents
・ Standards for children to live
・ Standards for adults to live alone
(For all ages, including adults, children, and the elderly)
・ Infrastructure usage standards
Clothing, food and shelter, water and sewage, electricity, internet.
This includes dedication (optical line, Wi-Fi, mobile line, original dedication) and physically used devices (smartphones, tablets, PCs, routers, etc.).
・ Standards for how to use the Internet
・ Internet usage environment creation standard

・ All the above national standards
・ All the above global standards

Mandatory Mandatory by world, national and regional organizations

・ Create and maintain an organization that can consult online at any time regarding the above standards. Physically, a window like a rush temple will be placed. In addition, mobile terminals for accessing these will be lent to all people free of charge by the world, countries, and regional organizations, and we will continue to provide an environment in which they can be used continuously.
・ Once a year, we will hold a course to make everyone aware of all of the above, and to understand and utilize it. This is a legal "duty".













