
美術館やギャラリーが示すオンラインとは?ーそこから考えるオンラインの提案ー What do museums and galleries show online? An online proposal from there.


I looked at "Bijutsu Techo Online" and decided to check out the services they offer online. It turns out that even online can mean a lot of things. It seems that there is something more to the meaning people use online than just being connected to the Internet.

time out が紹介してたいる記事 
The original virtual counterpart
The article that TIME OUT was referring to.

The idea of going to a virtual museum

■バチカン美術館の例 Examples of the Vatican Museums
 I'll try it in combination with the Real Art Museum website.

■美術館自体がもともとオンライン The museum itself was originally online.

Example of an online gallery

A platform for thinking through the purchase

Reactions to the impact on the corona

■アートフェアのオンライン対応 オンラインビューイング
Online correspondence for art fairs Online viewing

■美術館の動き Movement of the museum

■オンラインプラットフォーム online platform
アートフェアからの派生か? Derived from an art fair?

■メガギャラリーの動き Mega gallery moves

■オンラインサービス online service

オンライン展示って? What's an online exhibit?


 So, what is online after all?


上記を踏まえて、紹介したたくさんのオンラインと呼ばれるものを解釈していく。まずは、コロナ以前から存在していたもの と そうでないもの に区別する。

1. The computer is connected to the network or other computers.
2、The input/output device of the computer is directly connected to the central arithmetic unit.

In light of the above, we will interpret the many referred to as online. First, we distinguish between those that existed before the corona and those that do not.

 what's already online



The idea of going to a museum virtually has been available on Google for a few years now. The same is true of Street View, which allows you to go to places in the world that you shouldn't. In this case, the main thing is to go to the space of the museum rather than the works in the museum.

A museum that is originally online is a museum that exists only on the Internet. The real thing also only exists online.
Unlike museums, many online galleries are designed to be sold.

Online as a reaction to Corona


Online viewing and online platforms (including online courses) are mostly replacements of what was originally envisioned for online use. Or, there is a pattern of releasing something that had been prepared in advance for online use in a hurry. Even though there are detailed settings, the classification is the same only this time.


Online viewing and online platforms (including online courses) are mostly replacements of what was originally envisioned for online use. Or, there is a pattern of releasing something that had been prepared in advance for online use in a hurry. Even though there are detailed settings, the classification is the same only this time.

Keyword as one of the new ideas: Tele

In response to Corona, suggestions for online

It is not limited to the words WEBSITE and exhibition. Specifically, I propose a participatory workshop using ZOOM, which is famous for its use as a tool for online drinking, which came out as a meeting tool.


I. Participatory workshop using ZOOM (to participate together)
II, Thinking that cannot be stopped by not being able to exhibit (continuing to think together)
III, The possibility of imagination created by misunderstanding (not coming together)

face to faceができない中で、接続できるが価値観の1つではないかと思います。コロナによって登場したオンラインの概念のように、ただ接続するだけではなく、あらたな目標や目的を設定すること、つまり ”これからあるべき姿を想像する” ことをはじめたいとおもう。しかし、アフターコロナに備えて元通りの状態にもどすことでない というのは強調しておきたい。言い換えると、自分たちが変化して未来をつくっていくこと だと考える。
今回は、思考に参加するのがタダでも、確認・共有できることの価値観を提案する ことで、変化する・未来をつくるの最初のプロセスにしたい。

While face to face is not possible, I think being able to connect is one of the values. Like the online concept that was introduced by Corona, I would like to start by setting new goals and objectives, or "imagining what it should be", rather than just connecting. It should be emphasized, however, that this does not mean returning to the original state in case of an after corona. In other words, we are changing ourselves to create the future.
This time, I want to make this the first process of changing and creating the future by proposing values that can be confirmed and shared, even if it is free to participate in thinking.

