
雑誌The New Yorkerのインタビュー記事は長いので読み応えがある。内容に興味が無いとしても、インタビュー記事なので、スピーキング主体の英語の言い回しが勉強できるのでお勧めだ。

最近のミュージックシーンに興味があればなおのことだ。私はHyley William氏をこの記事で初めて知った。以前、ここでちょっと触れているけど、私にとって2000年代初頭とは、映画のみならず、音楽からも離れた生活をしていた頃なので、2004年に14歳でParamoreのフロントパーソンとしてデビューした事を知らなかった。ポップ・パンクというジャンルが台頭して、当時のティーンが熱狂したが、Paramoreもそのムーブメントの中心にいた。しかし、その当時に音楽に触れていたとしても、パープルメッシュの髪、白いベルトと派手ないでたちで、せがむように悲しみを訴える歌詞をソフトなロック調でエネルギッシュに歌われても共感は持てなかっただろう(今Paramoreのデビューアルバム「All We Know Is Faling」を聴いていて、パンクというか、私のイメージしていた激しさはなく、非常にキャッチーなメロディーラインだね。なんと、emo popとも呼ぶそうだ。これは日本語の「エモい」と同じじゃないか!)。

ポップ・パンクで熱狂した30代の人で、Paramoreを知って入れば、ニューアルバム「This Is Why」を聴きながら、この記事を読むといいだろう。内容は非常に濃く、米国の社会的問題への理解も深まるだろう。


「a now mostly bygone era」は、「今じゃほとんど忘れ去られた時代」という表現で、こういうわかり易い表現でも、一度も観たこと無ければ理解できない。一度遭遇すれば忘れない表現の1つでしょう。

「feels at odds with」は「違和感を覚える」だろう。そして「grouse」は、ライチョウって意味だが、動詞で「不平を言う」だけど、こういう感覚が分からない。


"Grouse" and "complain" are similar in that they both refer to expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance with something. However, "grouse" typically carries a connotation of grumbling or griping about something in a persistent and habitual way, often without taking action to address the issue. In contrast, "complain" is a more general term that can describe any expression of dissatisfaction, whether it is a one-time event or a more ongoing pattern. Additionally, "grouse" can also imply a sense of dissatisfaction that is petty or trivial, whereas "complain" can be used for more serious or legitimate grievances.

文章を読んでいて、覚えたばっかりの単語に再び巡り会うと、嬉しくなる。「embark on」という熟語は最近覚えた。何か新しいキャリアを始めるという意味で、「embarking on a solo career.」と stumble across したってことかな。じゃあ、この「embark on」をどう使えばいいのか、ChatGPTに訊ねてみると次のように教えてくれた。

"Embark on" is a phrasal verb that means to start or begin something, often a new and significant undertaking. Here are some examples of how you can use "embark on" in a conversation:

"I'm planning to embark on a new business venture next year."
"After finishing high school, I decided to embark on a trip around the world."
"She's been talking about embarking on a new fitness program to get in shape."
"In order to further my career, I need to embark on a new course of study."
"We're excited to embark on a new chapter in our lives by buying a house."
In each of these examples, "embark on" is used to describe starting something new, whether it's a new business, a trip, a fitness program, a course of study, or a new chapter in life.

ChatGPTって凄くない?もはや英語の先生は要らないと思えるぐらい。英語の説明を知りたければChatGPTに訊ねればいい。自分の欲しい答えが的確に返ってくる。私にもEnglish speakerの友達はいるけど、彼らに煩わしい英語の質問をする必要も無くなり、少し聡明なイメージを与える会話ができるようになるかもしれない。


The word "hiatus" comes from Latin "hiatus" meaning "a gap or opening." It is derived from the verb "hiare" which means "to gape" or "to open wide." The word was originally used in English to refer to a break or interruption in music or poetry, where a rest or pause would be indicated by a gap in the written score or verse. Over time, the word has come to be used more broadly to refer to any pause or interruption in activity or continuity.


「aching but ferocious」という形容句が出てきたけど、この言葉は、何となくネガティブな印象があったのでChatGPTに訊いてみた。

The sentence "two aching but ferocious solo records" is not inherently negative or positive, as it simply describes the nature of the two records. "Aching" could be seen as a negative connotation, suggesting pain or sadness, but it could also be interpreted as a powerful and emotionally charged quality. "Ferocious" could be seen as negative or positive, depending on how it is interpreted - it could suggest an aggressive or violent quality, or it could suggest a strong, bold, and passionate quality. Ultimately, the sentence is a description of the records and does not have an inherent positive or negative meaning.





There is no direct relation between "jubilant" and "juvenile." The two words have different origins and meanings.

"Jubilant" is an adjective that means feeling or expressing great joy and happiness, often in a celebratory manner. The word comes from the Latin word "jubilare," which means "to shout for joy."

"Juvenile" is an adjective that means relating to young people or immature behavior. The word comes from the Latin word "juvenilis," which means "of or belonging to youth."

While the two words share a common sound in their first syllable ("ju-"), they have different prefixes and suffixes, and they have distinct meanings that are not related to each other.


「continue to balloon」っだって、知らないと使えない。何となく解っても使えないと、知っていることにならない。それが世の中だ。自分の知っていることを、的確な表現で伝えられないと、知っていても知らない事になる。私が留学時代経験した事で、20代の頃、英語の勉強をしたつもりだ。それでやっとTOEICで830点。まあ、その頃はそれで満足していたが、当然、雑誌The New Yorkerを読めるレベルでは無かった。購読して1年半経過して、やっと簡単な記事は一読で理解できるようになったが、まだまだ知らない単語と遭遇する機会が多い。知らない単語が無い記事を読めるようになるのはいつの事やら。

「dive straight into the trenches」を読んで、1番に思いついた言葉が「get straight to the point」だ。同じような意味だろう。これで表現が広がった。

「visceral reactions」も、それぞれの単語を知っていても、この組み合わせは知らなかった。内臓からの反応ということは、「本能的な反応」という事になる。

「if at all」というフレーズも覚えておくといい。「もしあるとすれば」、というような、ちょっと不確定な時に使うフレーズだ。

「shea butter」と「cocoa butter」も私には馴染みがない。

「the strange and treacherous waters of the record industry」
というフレーズも理解できるけど、こういう使い方、「treacherous water」という隠喩的な表現が使えるようになりたい。

「three-sixty deal」もちんぷんかんぷん、じゃあ誰に訊けばいい? ChatGPTに訊ねてみる。

A 360 deal (also known as a "360 degree deal" or "360 contract") is a type of contract used in the music industry between a recording artist and a record label.

Under a 360 deal, the record label typically takes a percentage of the artist's income from all areas of their career, including record sales, live performances, merchandise sales, endorsements, and other sources of revenue. In exchange, the record label provides various services to the artist, such as recording, distribution, marketing, and promotion.

The term "360" refers to the idea that the record label is involved in all aspects of the artist's career, as if they are viewing it from every angle. This type of contract can be attractive to a record label because it allows them to share in the success of an artist across all areas of their career, rather than just from record sales alone.

However, 360 deals can be controversial because they often involve the artist giving up a larger percentage of their income in exchange for the services provided by the record label. This can be especially challenging for new or emerging artists who may not have as much bargaining power in negotiations.

Overall, a 360 deal is a type of contract that can provide benefits and drawbacks to both the artist and the record label, and it is important for both parties to carefully consider the terms of the agreement before signing.


「I constantly felt at odds with my own leanings or proclivities toward certain things,」も少し解りにくかった。「feel at odds with」の使い方を知らなかったし、「proclivity」も知らなかった。私の知っている「propensity」の類義語だけど、どう使い分ければいいのかChatGPTにお伺いを立てた。

"Propensity" and "proclivity" are both words used to describe a tendency or inclination to behave in a certain way. However, there are some subtle differences in their meanings and usage.

"Propensity" is generally used to describe a natural inclination or predisposition towards a particular behavior or characteristic. It can be used to describe both positive and negative tendencies. For example, you might say that someone has a propensity for kindness, or a propensity for laziness.

"Proclivity," on the other hand, is more commonly used to describe a tendency towards something that is considered undesirable or inappropriate. It often implies a certain degree of risk or danger. For example, you might say that someone has a proclivity for addictive behavior, or a proclivity for taking unnecessary risks.

In summary, while both words describe a tendency or inclination towards a particular behavior or characteristic, "propensity" is more neutral and can be used to describe positive or negative tendencies, while "proclivity" tends to have a negative connotation and is more often used to describe undesirable tendencies.


次々と知らない単語やフレーズを訊ねていく。「get one's sea legs」の場合は次の説明が返ってくる。

"We're getting our sea legs again" is an idiomatic expression that means to become accustomed to a new or challenging situation, especially after a period of difficulty or adjustment. The phrase "sea legs" originally referred to a sailor's ability to maintain their balance and stability while on board a ship in rough seas, but it has since been used more broadly to describe any situation in which someone needs to adjust and adapt to new or changing circumstances.

When someone says "we're getting our sea legs again," they are saying that they are starting to feel more comfortable and confident in a new or challenging situation, and are starting to adjust and adapt to the demands of that situation. This could apply to a wide range of situations, from starting a new job or project, to learning a new skill or hobby, to simply getting used to a new routine or lifestyle.

おっと、記事が長くなり何をしているのか解らなくなるので、これ以上、ChatGPTの返答をここに載せるのは止めよう。「Leonard Cohen」の詩に触れていたが、彼の事を調べて教えてもらった、最も賞賛を受けた曲、Hallelujah を iTunesで聴いている。いい曲だ。

「Proustian madeleine」の意味も一瞬で理解できた。

他には、「be versed in」「dredge up」など、覚えるべき単語や表現が溢れているので、新しい言葉は常に覚える姿勢でいるべきだろう。どれほどAIが優れて自動翻訳できても、自分の言葉でコミュニケーションすることを超える事はできないだろう。自分の脳に直結した口を使ったコミュニケーションを超える事はできないだろう。そのために言葉を覚えるって行為は重要だろう。地道に英単語を覚えていこう。


