Netflix マードック家殺害事件

雑誌The New Yorkerの最初の記事を毎日読み切ることを課題にして、英語の勉強を続けているが、毎日の仕事の合間にNoteにまとめる時間が無い(というか英語力がまだ追いついていない)。「How the Government Cancelled Betty Ann’s Debts」や「Russia, One Year After the Invasion of Ukraine」を読んで英語の勉強をしているけどまとめられない。

今日は、これらの記事をまとめるんじゃなく、Netflixの「マードック家殺害事件」を観たので、分からない表現をChatGPTに訊ねてみた。そうそう、マードック家殺害事件に関して私が興味を持ったのは、雑誌The New Yorkerの「マードック殺人事件」を読んだからだ。

「That's a lot of Oxy.」というフレーズがピンとこなかった。Oxyを普通にネットで調べると、「酸素」に関する説明しか出てこなかったけど、ChatGPTに訊ねたら一発でした。

The phrase "That's a lot of Oxy" typically refers to the prescription medication oxycodone, which is a powerful opioid painkiller. The phrase may be used to express surprise or concern about the amount of oxycodone being discussed, either in terms of the number of pills, the dosage, or the frequency of use. In many cases, the phrase may be used to indicate that the speaker believes the amount of oxycodone being discussed is excessive or potentially dangerous.


「The whole thing is hinky from the word go.」も良くわからなかったので訊ねてみた。

The phrase "The whole thing is hinky from the word go" means that something seems suspicious or questionable right from the beginning. "Hinky" is a colloquial term that can be used to describe something that feels off or doesn't seem quite right. "From the word go" means from the very beginning or start. So, when someone says "The whole thing is hinky from the word go," they are indicating that they have doubts or concerns about the situation or topic at hand, and those doubts or concerns have existed since the very beginning.



