
(一言ジャーナリング風味チャレンジ0--)2020.06.07 軽量 (One-word journaling flavor challenge 0--)

6/7 2ヶ月ぶりのトレーニング。スクワット(ノーマル、クランチ)にラットプルダウン(通常で顔の前)、ベンチプレス。相変わらず重さは全然上がらない。見えないところで脹脛がだいぶ絞れていることがわかる。元々健康維持と体質改善目的なので追い込む気はないけど、コロナ太りにはなってないようで一安心。むしろ体脂肪率は1%程度だけど減っていた。有酸素も筋トレもほどほどなのに。腹筋ローラーとプランク、スクワットしかしてないけど。むしろダンベルほしいと思っていたくらいで(腕を鍛えるというより、背中とスクワット時の足腰用)そして自転車で移動、前から行きたかったこの店へ。



カレーの店 八月


6/7 Training for the first time in 2 months. Squat (normal, crunch), lat pulldown (normally in front of face), bench press. As usual, the weight does not increase at all. It can be seen that the calf is considerably squeezed where it cannot be seen. I'm not trying to drive it in because it's originally for the purpose of maintaining good health and improving my constitution, but I'm relieved that the corona doesn't become fat. Rather, the body fat percentage was reduced by about 1%. Although aerobic and muscle training are moderate. I only do abs, plank and squats. Rather, I wanted dumbbells (rather than training my arms, for my back and squats) I moved by bicycle to this store where I wanted to go from the front.

Curry shop August
Curry with flavor and umami that is smooth and has a strong soup feel. Delicious. The keema is also a little light and this is also good. It may be that Kaema Curry or Keema Curry is shifting to a simple system. I leave the curry story.
In the old days Shimokita didn't suit me. I was not interested in fashion and trends
It's easier and more interesting to know that you don't have to worry about that now.
Is it because I am old, and when I am old, I think that “living as if I am half my age” is doing well to some extent?
Photo: Add salad and red prawn sashimi to the chicken + keema curry. I say that I just eat what I want to eat



