




A day to rest. But try swimming. After washing and house cleaning and fumigant spray. Yesterday's coin savings, I went to a financial institution but I forgot my wallet. And just before 3 o'clock.
If you think you've done it, you can use up to 100 ATMs at a time. Now that you have graduated from Coin Savings, you can invest and save online. I sent one document for the application (this was also a lot of messed up by collecting the necessary documents).
I am saved by various electronic devices. I'm not good at analog.
photo: Avocado, sausage and seaweed soup with cut cabbage caesar salad sauce. Anyone who does n’t look delicious but tastes good

I wanted to go out, but I didn't feel like it, so I stopped.
But do not blame. It's harder than someone else to blame you for not doing it. Satisfy to change. I know it but it is difficult, and when I see a gap, I try to drop myself again. The organization of issues and self-responsibility seem to be similar and completely different.

(Miscellaneous notes from a story that is about to be written)
"I don't think so"
"What should I do?"
“It's not me who gives the answer. Everything you give, whether it goes well or not, is a gift. And only you can receive it.”

