パラレルワールド新聞:「US officials say damage to Patriot missile defense system was minimal following Russian attack near Kyiv」 <ー ロシアもアメリカも同じことをっているということは本当ですね~ そもそもどうしてパトリオットシステムの場所がばれたの? 答がCNNの記事に載っていました

今回は「US officials say damage to Patriot missile defense system was minimal following Russian attack near Kyiv」について報告します。

CNN: 17 May, 2023

「US officials say damage to Patriot missile defense system was minimal following Russian attack near Kyiv」:  と言うことは、ロシアがパトリオットの場所をしっていたということになり、どこからこの情報を得たかがキーです。

The damage to a Patriot air defense system following a Russian missile attack near Kyiv on Tuesday morning is minimal, three US officials tell CNN, with one official describing it as “minor” damage.

たいしたダメージではないか~ と言うわかにもいかないでしょう。

US officials do not believe the Patriot will need to be removed from the battlefield for repairs.


Two components of the system were damaged, according to a US official familiar with the matter, but the system “was never offline” and remained functional throughout the attack, they said.


そうなんですか。 さすがアメリカ製(笑)。

“Do not worry about the fate of the Patriot. From a technical point of view, Patriot is a … system,” he said, noting that it consisted of components that can be located at a distance from one another.


US officials believe the Russian military has been able to pick up on signals that are emitted from the Patriot, allowing them to target the system using the hypersonic missile, known as the Kinzhal or Killjoy.

どうも、これで場所がバレた臭いですね。 スパイではなかった?

これは、どうしようもないです。 パラレルワールドからも「ロシアもやってくれます」とのコメント多数。

検索キー: US officials say damage to Patriot missile defense system was minimal following Russian attack near Kyiv
