今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.20]
PBS News Weekend Feb. 19, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:03] 今日のニュースまとめ
[07:21] 週4日勤務制の是非
[09:18] What I'm arguing is that most companies today who operate on a five-day nine-to-five basis could move to a four-day week without necessarily needing to increase headcount [* 社員数、従業員数 the number of people present in a group or employed by a company] and without necessarily damaging their business performance, priorities or productivity.
[12:45] The crucial point to know is that people like bunching leisure. [* to bunch まとめる。束にする。leisure = time free from work or duties (日本語で使う「レジャー」ではなく)勤務時間以外の時間。オフタイム to bunch leisure オフタイムをまとめてとる]
[13:38]★今日のおすすめ★ メンタルヘルス・アプリの個人情報売買
[15:10] We uncovered data brokers selling a range of data about all kinds of mental health conditions dealt with by Americans, ranging from depression and anxiety to PTSD, OCD [* = obsessive-compulsive disorder 強迫神経症]
[19:18]★今日のおすすめ★ 大学水泳を多様化するには 黒人選手が少ない理由
[19:40] This week, Howard University's swim team is set to compete in their conference [* = 競技連盟] championship. If they win, it will be the first title in more than 30 years.
[20:20] I just want to ask you about this team and what makes it so special. Because I hear that you have quite a crowd showing up at your meets. [* meet = 競技会、スポーツの大会]
[21:19] I do want to talk about what is going on in the world of swimming, when it comes to HBCUs [* = historically black college or university ; historically black college and university]. Because from what I understand, it's only Howard at this poing that has this program.
[24:39] We'd love for people to be inspired by that. We'd love for people to be able to see us as a representation of things that were not in our wheelhouse [* in one's wheelhouse 得意分野である、専門領域である in line with one's interests or abilities ], (we) could be able to accomplish. We want to be that inspiration for them in all aspects of life, not just in swimming.