





1) Airlines and passengers scrambling

Key Sentence 01

"We are at a critical time in the fight against the virus ... I will always put the well-being of America first." After weeks of downplaying the outbreak, US President Donald Trump addressed the nation last night, announcing a suspension of travel from Europe and emergency action to help Americans affected by the virus.

downplay: to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is



Key Sentence 02

Yet the speech -- in which he described the disease as a "foreign virus" and blamed Europe for its spread to the US -- brought more confusion to an already rattled nation. Trump's administration was later forced to clarify that the ban would apply to "people, not goods," and only to foreign nationals, not Americans who had been screened before entering the country.

rattle: to worry someone or make someone nervous



Key Sentence 03

But as infections in the US soar past 1,200, communal spread appears to be more of a threat than foreign transmission. States are demanding more test kits amid a continued shortage, begging the question of whether the number of reported cases reflects the reality of the crisis.

soar: to rise very quickly to a high level
communal: involving different social or religious groups within a community
beg: to make a very strong and urgent request



2) Wall Street ends 11-year 'bull market' as brutal day beckons

Key Sentence 04

Global markets continue to come under huge pressure from the coronavirus, and US stocks are headed for another brutal open today, Charles Riley writes. Dow futures are off more than 1,200 points, or 5.1%. S&P 500 futures, which briefly hit their 5% limit, are down 4.6%. Nasdaq Composite futures have dropped 4.7%.

brutal: cruel, violent, and completely without feelings
briefly: for a short time

世界市場は、引き続き、コロナウイルスから大きな圧力にさらされており、米国株式は、今日も開始から厳しい局面にある。ダウ先物は1,200ポイント(5.1%)を超えて下落、S&P 500先物は一時的に5%の制限に達したが、4.6%の下落となっている。ナスダック総合指数先物は4.7%の下落であった。


Key Sentence 05

News of Trump's travel ban sent markets in Asia plunging today. Japan's Nikkei 225 slipped into a bear market, closing down 4.4%. Australia's benchmark index dropped 7.4%.

plunge: to become lower in value or level very suddenly and quickly



3) President Donald Trump is the first world leader to suggest postponing this summer's Olympics

Key Sentence 06

Trump added that delaying the Olympics by a year would be a better option than holding it with no crowds. However, he said he would not relay the message to Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, according to Japan’s public broadcaster NHK. The pair held telephone talks Friday Japan local time.

relay: to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message, or programme on television or radio



Key Sentence 07

In response to Trump’s comments, Japan’s Olympics minister, Seiko Hashimoto, stressed the preparations for a “safe and secure” Games was still underway.

underway: beginning to exist or is happening now





P.S. その1 オリンピックについてはせっかく準備してきたわけですが、他国の状況も見ていると、政府は今後延期も含めた難しい判断を迫られるのではないかと考えます。サプライチェーンの混乱、外出やイベント自粛など、経済への悪影響も出ている中、追い打ちですが、こればかりは致し方ありませんね...(もちろん開催できるに越したことはないでしょうが...)
P.S. その2 今朝、内示をいただきました。香港からの早期帰国の後、在宅で香港の業務を支援していましたが、4月以降の方向が決まって来た感じです。駐在の経験をどう活かしていくか、今も悩んでいますが、じっくり考えていこうと思います。駐在したい人向けの記事はよく見かけるのですが、駐在後のキャリアについての情報はあまりないですね。(どのように活躍されているか、とかロールイメージが浮かばない)情報をお持ちの方、よかったら教えてください〜
