
~ GO Word Cafeteria Vol.09 ~【Super-healthy ramen noodle / 超ヘルシーラーメン】

~ GO Word Cafeteria ~


GO Cafeteria is a virtual cafeteria created to promote international exchange through sharing different cuisines.
We will use this space to introduce these cuisines by sharing students' favorite dishes from their countries. We believe that posting about food from different countries will be a great opportunity to get to know other cultures :)

1279317 - コピー

Vol.09【Super-healthy ramen noodle


Food name: Soba / そば

Place: Japan/日本

Soba has a unique aroma that stimulates the appetite. It is best to eat it without dipping it in anything, and then dip it in the special sauce.


From:Kota(GO Tutor)

1279317 - コピー (2)

そばの風味豊かな味わいはたまりませんよね。Sobaという名前は、世界的に知られているのでしょうか? 気になるところです🤔


皆様からのご投稿もお待ちしております! 詳しくはこちら。(投稿は、東京大学のECCSアカウントをお使いください。)

We would appreciate it if you could write a short paragraph about one special food in your country🍳 Please check here.(We ask you to use your ECCS account of UTokyo when posting.)



The Globalization Office posts event information and notice on the Web site"Global Komaba" and Twitter. We would appreciate it if you could check them too!
