
英検1級ライティング mass media

お題 Does the mass media have a beneficial effect on society?


Not a day goes by without our being exposed to vast amounts of entertainment and information provided by mass media. In recent years, the active movement of news or numerous ideas makes mass media an integral part of our society. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of mass media in our lives.

One thing we should bear in mind is that the ubiquity of newspapers and magazines can be an invaluable source in terms of gaining various types of news. These materials can help us understand what is happening in the world, thus increasing our interest in domestic or international affairs.
Nevertheless, it is unavoidable for us to take cautious measures towards information provided by mass media. For instance, some writers of news articles sometimes disseminate their own biased assumptions on sensitive matters like religion, politics, and racial issues. This can cause people to stand by conspiracy theories, thereby potentially corrupting social order.

Another factor to note is that mass media can play contributing roles in boosting economic profits. A case in point is the prevalence of advertisement. The widespread utilization of advertising tempts consumers to purchase commercial products. Therefore, companies involving in the development of these goods can obtain substantial amount of financial benefits, possibly resulting in national prosperity.
Contrary to this beneficial point mentioned above, enough attention should be paid to  overdependence on the use of advertisement. Advertisement has the potential to inspire us to buy unnecessary products. This incident, in the worst-case scenario, might fuel the environment in which many citizens fall victim to insurmountable debt stemming from the excessive use of credit card.

The rapid emergence of mass media has enabled us to enjoy various types of entertainment. As a classic example, Youtubers have garnered significant attention among us in modern days. They provide us with ample opportunities for exploring diverse array of topics like English learning, foreign cultures and traditions, consequently stoking our desire for learning something new. However, it is unfortunate that some entertainers on You Tube platform post violent or sexual contents in order to increase their exposure to general public. These contents exert harmful impacts on our mental health and probably traumatize some people.

When it comes to the debate on mass media, I embrace neutral opinions for its roles in our society. Of crucial importance is our understanding of both advantages and disadvantages of mass media.
