




Memory - Feedback
Sometimes I let two opposed ideas collide in my mind. One says “she hates you”, another says “Nah you just wanna blame her for not having things go well for yourself”. If I put some time and think, most likely, the reason why I feel like I am not doing well with her is that because she does not like me or hate me, and it is not anyone’s fault. Maybe, “she had a moment with me” and “I am grabbing onto that”. Plus, “I also ditched someone based on my emo and you know how it works”…but hold on, it is all inside my head and only 1 way to see the real feeling of her is to ask her…just hang on for a second, that is another excuse to talk to her. This “her” and “she” can be replaced with work or friends too, potentially….I stopped thinking there. For now, “It would have been great if I could have received some feedback before getting ignored” was our conclusion.
I am boiling up pasta after my work. I don’t know, really.

