
Oklahoma vs Houston Game 7


I’ve been busy these days so I couldn’t write.

Game 7 までもつれる熱い戦いを見ての感想を書いていきます!

Now I wrote down my feeling about hot Game 7 Oklahoma vs Houston 

それでは Let’s go!!

Then Let’s go!

ロケッツは James がコントロールしているのでボールがなかなか下に落ちない、コーナーにボールがいかない印象。

Pick&pop か自分でそのあといくか、2択になっている印象。

James controlled the ball so Rockets didn’t pass the ball to corners.

I think James had just two option that going himself or passing to the screener who popped out when he used high pick.

ポールのおしいところは Pick がうまくいかなかった時にもう一度もらおうとするんじゃなくて

スクリーンかけたり、逆に呼んだり、他のスペースでまた 2on2 つくれればもっと良いと思う。

Pole(Oklahoma) his weak point is that he always remains downtown. When his on ball screen play wasn’t good, he was trying to receive the ball again and stayed downtown. 

I think he should go and set screen to other players or get screens and make 2on2 on the other space.


If he try to get the ball again, others have to stay and wait. It stops team offense.


He has to make space on downtown for the others. If he doesn’t, he can’t  make a championship never.

Westbrook がガード、James がシューティングガードの方がオフェンスが機能している。

When Westbrook played as a PG and James played SG,  they played better than opposite situation.

Westbrook はガードじゃないと何して良いかわからない状態になっている。

When Westbrook wasn’t playing as PG, he played confused.

Westbrook は James がいなくなると途端にバランスが取れなくなってる。Selfish なプレーとパスした後もトップに残りすぎ。

And he played selfish when James was not on the court and stayed too long in downtown.

Houston はヘルプのリズムを変えた方法がいい。早く行ったりいかなかったり。ボールマンディフェンスがあれだけ詰めてる意味がない。

Houston should change the tempo of their help defense. Sometimes going faster, sometimes not going etc. 

And at the last Chris’s play, they went help faster, which was great defense.


Chris lost his cool at the last play. It was obvious that Rockets were ready to go help fast. He looked like he didn’t prospect Westbrook was going to show up fast and he passed in desperation.  This was terrible.



At the last play remained 1 second on the clock, that was the quite weak play. Donovan thought that just 1 or 2 screening makes open space to make a shot ? Or just players made mistake ? I’m not sure because I’m not involved in the team. But I’m curious.

最後の場面が示しているけれど、このゲーム全体が Out of control な印象を受けた。誰もリズムを握っているやつがいない。

As a entire game, my opinion is that this game was out of control as you can see the last 3 or 2 minutes on 4th period. There’s no one who felt and caught the rhythm of the game.



