
Boston vs Portland


ということで今日は Celtics vs Blazers!!

まずはCeltics から(Celtics point)

Stagger に hand off を組み合わせて pick and roll  を使っている。最近はこれをつかチームが多い。

They used stagger screen and hand off the ball to forward and played pick and roll. Recently a lot of team use this strategy.

最近、NBAが得点が多いのは high Pick からの不ジャンプシュートに対応できていないというか、そこは捨ててるように見えるのは気のせい??

And also, most of the team doesn't contest to the shot on ball screens on down town and that makes easy to make three. I think they gave up to contest those kind of shots. Is it just me??

2Q序盤、初めて Stagger に対してスウィッチを使った。その直後は引いて守っていた。 same sides switch なのか、個人の判断か、はわからない。

In 2nd quarter, they used switched on blazers stagger screen.

I think this is same sides switch. but blazers didn't noticed.


Jason's stride of step back, balances of his jumping, and core rotation when he's shooting, all of them were smooth so average of shots were quite high.



Hayward has up and down in both of offense and defense. 

when he's good, he sees where space is and who is free. But when he's bad he doesn't see the situation and he shoots early in a bad mood.


he has a lot of experience so he has to fix it. Jason is better than him.

4Q始めの Celtics のディフェンスは、選手たち自身で、危険を感知してスイッチ、ハードショウを織り込んできくべきだったと思う。基本的に on ball screen は 2on2 だからボールマンのディフェンスばかりに任せているとジャンプシュートは守れない。

In 4Q, Celtics has to notice that where the dangerous point themselves and decide to use hard-show or switching on the ball screen.  On ball screen or pick and roll were 2on2. So they can't guard if the defense of the ball try to defend the player who holds the ball.


Blazers made 3 shots in a row and the third one was because Celtics were not able to stay in focused. They had to communicate and react differently to the ball screen or shooter.

4Q 残り1分付近でいきなりダニエルがハードショウに変えて screener はフリーになりレイアップ。

Around the last minute of the 4th quarter, Daniel suddenly showed up hard  and screener rolled to the hoop and made layup.  I have no idea what they were thinking and others didn't help.

Brad Stevens is clever so I'm looking forward to his some different strategy in play off games.

次はブレイザーズ(now Blazers)

Boston はball screen  に対して no middle. Pick and pop が有効だと思うけど、リラードのなかにその選択肢はないように見える。

Celtics used "no middle" to on ball screen or pick and roll. In this situation, pop out is effective but Lillard didn't have that option. Because he exploded right after the center set the screen.

ジェイソンの ball screen は完全に守れていない。しかしブレイザーズは全くディフェンスを変えない。

They couldn't guard Jason's on ball screen offense. They should change defense for example show and back or trap and rotation.

ブレイザーズは on ball screen でのシュートの思い切りの良さがこうをそうしていたと思う。

They shot really well especially with using screen. 


Celtics some times made mistakes on communicating and blazers made shot from outside. 

4Qは点差が詰まったのもあって、Celtics の no middle の on ball screen のディフェンスに冷静に対処した印象。

in the 4th quarter, guards were calm because they came back and they calmly reacted to the no middle defense on ball screens.


Lillard shot long distance three and missed then Celtics countered and made a dunk. That was terrible because about 9 minutes remained which means it was not clutch time. It was 5 pts behind.



Finally, the refs were terrible.


The calls lacked consistency, they called foul that wasn't a foul clearly, they couldn't see players touched the ball or a pard of body, they couldn't see players crossed the line or not.



I heard a lot of time that refs in the states are excellent, educated compare to the refs in Japan etc, but I can't believe they receive high salary from this performances. They should use people who can move more fast or quick and see what's happening right there.

It's clear that they can't case the game. 



