
エンジニアへ31の質問〜Alex DG さん〜

昨年 8 月にフランス人3DデザイナーのAlexデザイニウム 東京オフィスにジョインしました✨今回は広報チームのMaryとMarikoの二人でインタビューを行いました😊 フランス産まれで、仕事ではイギリスやスコットランドを経て、今回デザイニウム入社と共に来日したAlex さんのお話はいろいろ楽しみです。それでは、早速インタビュースタート

Alex joined Designium in August last year. He was born in France and has worked in England and Scotland. Below is an exclusive interview with Mary and Mariko from the PR team.

1. 出身はどこですか?
  フランスの南東にある Arcachon という街で生まれました。海が近くてシーフードも美味しい。街の近くには砂丘もあって、とても美しい景色が見れる場所もあります。

1. Where were you born?
 I was born in a city in the south of France, called Arcachon. It is a city close to the sea and has a lot of seafood. There is also a very high sand dune. If you walk on top of the dunes, you can enjoy great views of the ocean and the forests surrounding the city.

Arcachon, France

2. なぜ日本に来ることにしたんですか?
   ー 私達にはフランス語の方が美しい言語に思えるけど、そういった感性は素敵ですね。

2. What made you want to come to Japan?
First of all, I like traveling and learning new languages. Together with my wife, we travel to many different countries in Europe and the United States and meet people from different cultures. It's always interesting to talk about the differences between cultures. So I guess I'm curious. Because as Europeans, we don’t know much about Japan. I've always wanted to go to Asia to see what it's like and learn more about the place. Especially Japanese, I really like the language. It's a beautiful language. It’s complicated to learn. I like to challenge myself to learn something complex. Moreover, I like visiting historical things like temples and castles. Japan has a very rich history. So I wanted to start my adventure in Japan, far away from my hometown.

3. どこで仕事をしていますか?

3. Where is your current workspace?
 Most of the time I work from home, sometimes I go to the office.

4. 最もコミットしている業務はなんですか?
  今は、ARと画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」を組み合わせたR&Dなどをやっています。

4. Which kind of work do you commit to mostly?
 I mainly work on AR. I like to do some research on AI stable diffusion, how AI can be used to transform AR content.

ARと画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」を組み合わせ

5. いまの仕事の「ここがおもしろい!」と思うところを教えてください?

5. Please tell us what you think is interesting about your current job.
 With AR, it's a bit like you're building a game. I like video games. So that's kind of cool sometimes. I have to work or think about something like a mini-game. I also really enjoy doing a lot of research on different topics and not just in one area. You can learn about different businesses.

6. iPhone派?Android派?
 以前はAndroidが好きだったけど、今は日本に住んでいて、周りがみんながiPhoneを持っているからiPhoneを使っています。でもやっぱり今もAndroid の方が好きかな!最新のPixelとかね。動画はiPhoneの方が良いけど、写真はPixelの方がAIを使っているからさらに良いと思います。

6. Which do you prefer? iPhone or Android?
 For a long time, I used to be an Android developer. So I'm used to Android. Because everything here is working with iPhone, I bought my first iPhone when I arrived in Japan. I think I still prefer Android. The reason is simple. Because I like tweaking and changing my phones. I like to install different things on it. It's a pain with APPLE, like you can't do what you want. Although videos are better on iPhone, I think photos are better on the Pixel because it can be edited using AI.

7. 使っているキーボードは?

8. JIS派?US派?それ以外?
9. タブ派? スペース派?

10. 犬派?猫派?

7. Do you have a favorite keyboard brand? What are you using now?
 No particular. The one I used only cost me £10. The cheapest on Amazon.

8. What keyboard layout do you use? JIS? US Keyboard? Others?
 QWERTY-Based Keyboard.
ー Mechanical keyboard is too noisy. I like keyboards with lights so I can type in the dark.

9. Tabs or Spaces?

10. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
 I like both, but I think I like cats more.

11. 入社の決め手は?

12. 最近気に入った本、映画、音楽、ゲームは何ですか?
  『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』英語版。Nintendo Switch『ポケットモンスター』。

11. Why did you choose the Designium?
 I like most of the videos Designium makes. When I met Hata, Matt, and Alexson, I saw them all to be very nice and open-minded. Another reason is that I want to learn Japanese.

12. What books, movies, music, or games have you liked recently?
 《ONE PIECE》in English version. Pokémon game on switch.

13. オフはなにしてる?

14. 好きな旅行先は?


15. 日本で一番最初に観光したのはどこですか?

Visiting Shrine

16. 好きな食べ物は?

13. How do you spend your days off?
 I spend most of my time with my daughter and wife. We like to get outside and explore and visit new places, maybe just for a coffee or cake. We like riding our bikes around with the map and going to places we don’t know to find some food.

14. What kind of places do you like to travel to?
 A place where there are not many tourists. I like hiking in the forest or mountains. I also enjoy surfing or swimming in the ocean. There's just one condition - not too many people there - like the Japanese countryside of Gifu.

15. Where was the first place you visited in Japan?
 Asakusa when I was a tourist.
 ー Which country do you like to travel to?
 There are two countries, South Korea and Taiwan.

16. What kind of foods do you like to eat?
 I love all kinds of food. My favorite food is seafood. 

17. 初めて使ったPCは?それはいつ?
  Windows 85かな。

18. 使っているディスプレイの数は?

19. 尊敬するエンジニア(デザイナー)は誰?
  IAN CURTIS。とってもCool。

17. Which PC did you use for the first time?
 It was a desktop with Windows 85.

18. How many displays do you use?

19. Who do you look up to as an engineer or designer?
 Designium has a lot of great engineers that I admire, so it would be hard for me to find another one not at Designium. But I follow this twitter (@XRarchitect) and their works are cool.

20. Gitはコマンド派?クライアント派?

21. 最近気になっている技術をひとつ教えてください。
22. 初めて書いた言語は?

23. どうやってプログラミングを習得した?

  学生時代から学校でコンピューター サイエンスを勉強し、C++ でミニゲームなどを開発するサイド プロジェクトを始めました。

20. Git Commands? Git GUI Clients?
 Git Commands.

21. Please tell us about a technology that caught your attention recently.
 Artificial Intelligence ( AI ). It is a hot topic on Twitter. Now I use ChatGPT every day.

22. What language did you write for the first time?
 C and C++

23. How did you learn computer programming?
 Since I was very young, I started studying computer science in school and doing side projects developing things like mini-games in C++.

24. 使っているテキストエディタは?
  Visual Studio Code。

25. よく使うアプリやサービスは?
  Instagram と Twitter かな(笑)あとYoutube とTwitch TV。
26. お気に入りのガジェットはありますか?
  強いていうならApple Watchかな。特にiPhoneを使っているから。交通機関で支払いに使えたり、ゲームセンターでも使える…あのアームが降りてきて捕まえるやつ、あれなんていうんだろ?
ー UFOキャッチャー?

24. What text editor do you use?
 Visual Studio Code.

25. What apps or services do you use mostly?
 Instagram and Twitter. Others might be Youtube and Twitch TV.

26. What is your favorite everyday gadget?
 Apple Watch is very handy. You know what, I want to keep an Android phone and have an Apple Watch. I use my Apple Watch to pay for transportation and crane games.

27. 朝型?夜型?

28. 仕事をするときに欠かせないものは何?
  Macbook Pro。

29. 仕事に疲れたときの気分転換の方法は?
  ジョギングに行きます。 私はジョギングが好きです。 ああ、ビデオゲームもします。

27. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
 I used to be a night owl, but now I'm a morning person.

28. What are your must-haves at work?
 Macbook Pro.

29. How do you refresh your mind when you're tired of work?
 I'm going for a run. I like to run. Oh~ and I play video games.

30. 日本にきてよかったなと思うところは?

ー 逆に困っていることは?
ー なるほど、わかります(笑)
あ、そうだ!あとは『銀行』。銀行のシステムは日本で唯一嫌いなことかもしれない(笑)古いシステムで複雑でなにも分からなかったよ。今のところ唯一のbad experienceだね。

30. What made you feel good after moving to Japan?
 Everything. People are super nice and polite. The nature in Japan is beautiful, and so are its temples and architecture.

ーDo you face any difficulties when living in Japan?
No, everything is easy (just kidding). Language, of course. It's hard to know who speaks English. Even though I think a lot of people speak English, they don't use it. Oh yes, there is also the bank. When I want to create my account and card, it is too complicated. I had a bad experience. The banking system is probably what I really dislike in Japan. 

31. 最後の質問です。今後やりたいことをひとつ教えて下さい。
  日本でBig van road Trip をしたい。観光客が知らないような場所に冒険しに行きたいんだ。沖縄にも行きたいし、札幌にも行ってみたいな。

31. Last question. Please tell us one thing you want to do in the future.
 I would like to do a big road van trip in those less touristy parts of Japan that you don’t know about. I want to go to Okinawa, and I also want to go to Sapporo.



広報のマリコです!この記事が公開されている頃、私はデザイニウムを卒業している予定です😊 noteの記事やインタビューは、毎回、私自身が本当に楽しかったです。いつも編集後記まで読んでくださっていたみなさん、本当にありがとうございました🙏 今後は、広報チームのMaryと新メンバーのまちだがnoteやSNSでも盛り上げてくれることと思います。引き続きデザイニウムnoteをよろしくお願い致します✨

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