
"Wait for a second, Ethan"

"Your handwriting is so beautiful."

My life started to change because of one really trivial comment.

I didn't think anything of you, but thanks to your words,

now I think something of you.

I've been thinking about you on my own alone.

Even five weeks has been already passed since we met,

I still don't know your number, even your family name.

Isn't it strange asking for your number after the fifth week?

I painfully know that nothing can happen as I am.

But yeah, I can't really express myself in front of the person I really like.

But maybe that's why you're still talking to me like this.

If we exchange number,

I'll probably, no definitely, think about you all the time

and won't be able to do anything.

Maybe you'll be so annoyed with my thousands of messages.

I'm sure she won't like me.

So for my sake and for you, it's better not to exchange number.

I'm understanding so...

Haha, I really hate myself for thinking about how to exchange naturally when I realise it.

While thinking like this, the fifth period of my dream Friday came.

As usual, I sat diagonally in front of you.

Waited anxiously like a dog waiting to be fed, and just in time you arrived.

"Good morning, Ethan."

"Yeah, morning."

As usual, your reply is a little curt and my brain exploded lightly.

I don't know what the teacher is talking about,

and I don't really know what Ethan thinks of me.

If I don't exchange number today, I can't talk to you for a week

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it today,

but I'm sure I'm going to do it today.

I heard the chime tells the end of class.

Okay, now is the time to be a man.

"Hey, Ethan. Can I ask n… nutritious vegetable which you like?


"Um. I'll say Tomato. See you next week, then."

"Nice one! See you next week!"

It was over without a hitch.

What a wimp I am.


Ethan commutes to school by bus, right?

If I go to the bus stop right now, I might be able to meet you.

At that time, we might be able to exchange number finally.

I think I can say it now.

Before thinking carefully, I started to move to your place.

I rush down the stairs.

I was so impatient that I was annoyed by the speed at which the automatic doors opened.

I walked really fast to Ethan.


there are a number of roads from the school to the bus stop

If I take the wrong road, it's the end of everything.

Ethan would probably take the nearest road to home.

Desperately looking for Ethan's back, my breath rises.

I see you walking.

At the same time, my mouth opens.

"Wait for a second, Ethan"

