

こんにちは、Tokyo Creators' Projectのワークプレイスサイエンティストです。 「英語で読むWorkplaceトレンド」と題して、記事を紹介したいと思います。 ワークプレイスのトレンドは海外からやってくることもあるためです。 英語の原文も載せますので、一緒に英語も学んでしまいましょう!


Facebook CEO's Post


5月22日、Facebookの創業者でCEOのMark Zuckerberg(マーク・ザッカーバーグ)は、今後5−10年で、約半数の社員がリモートワークできると思うと社員総会で発表したそうです。 この規模(45,000人規模)では、最も先進的な部類に入るだろうとのことです。 最も重要なメッセージは冒頭にある、「測定された方法で、そこにたどり着く」ということだと思います。

Over the next 5-10 years, I think we could have 50% of our people working remotely, but we're going to get there in a measured way. I think Facebook will be the most forward-leaning company on remote work at our scale, and we've been working on a thoughtful and responsible plan to do this. There are still a lot of open questions about how this will work, so we'll need to keep learning and improving as we go.


Facebook内のリモートワークに関する従業員アンケートでは、半数以上の社員が、少なくともオフィスで仕事をしているのと同じくらいの生産性があったそうです。 社員の約40%がフルタイムのリモートワークに興味を持っていますが、50%以上が一刻も早くオフィスに戻りたいと考えているようです。リモートワークを希望する人のうち、約75%が別の場所に引っ越すかもしれないと答えています--そして、そのうち38%は大都市に引っ越すと答え、残りは別の場所に住むと答えています。

We asked our employees about their experiences working from home. More than half of them say they're at least as productive as they are in the office. About 40% are interested in full-time remote work, but more than 50% want to get back into the offices as soon as possible. Of the people who want to work remotely, around 75% said they might move to another place -- and of those, 38% said they'd move to a big city while the rest said they'd live elsewhere.



It's not all positive. Having kids home from school has been tough for parents, and people living on their own have struggled too.



Figuring all this out will take time, so we're going to start by focusing on remote hiring. We're going to start by focusing on hiring experienced engineers within 4 hours of a city where we have an engineering office (which includes places like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland and San Diego). We're also setting up new hubs in Atlanta, Dallas and Denver.



This is probably overdue. Over the past few decades, economic growth in the US has been quite concentrated, with major companies often hiring in a handful metropolitan areas. That means we've been missing out on a lot of talented people just because they happen to live outside a major hub. Creating opportunities beyond these cities could also be part of the economic recovery, especially if more companies hire remotely as well.



For our existing employees, our guiding principle is figuring out what will enable us to serve our community best and unlock the most innovation. My own thinking on this has changed over the past few months. I've always felt that our teams worked better when they could physically be together. We even designed our offices so there are places where people can walk freely and have those serendipitous conversations that can lead to really good ideas. But I think that technology can help us overcome this, and the lockdown has shown us what’s possible with the tools we have today.



Approaching this thoughtfully and methodically will help us strengthen parts of our culture that are really important. We've invested a lot of our time in developing programs that help every individual grow their career and help teams execute together effectively and we’re going to need to bring that same care and commitment to our remote work programs too. Products can get built in months, but culture is built over years, so we’re taking a long term approach.



At the same time, we know a lot of people also want to get back in the office as soon as possible. Our priority is people who can't productively do their work from home -- those who work on hardware, some of our content reviewers, data center technicians, and other specialized roles. Part of keeping these folks safe in the office is giving them space and keeping others away until it's clearly safe for more people to return, so we’re going to continue managing our overall office load and figuring out how to space out desks and equipment. With social distancing, we expect to only be able to fit 25% of employees back in the office for much of the rest of this year.



As a tech company we're fortunate that a lot of our work can be done remotely. Not everyone has that flexibility. But as the technology improves, the number of jobs that can be done fully remotely will likely increase across the rest of the economy too. Over time, location will hopefully be less of a factor in how many people work and we’ll have the technology to feel truly present no matter where we are. I think this is an important direction that the world is going to go in after Covid.



It's going to take time to make this work for everyone. We're going to learn a lot from this, and we'll have more updates and details to share in the months ahead as we figure this out.



「久しぶりやのぉ。いきちゃぁったか?」"Hello, How are you going?"


「久しぶりやのぉ。いきちゃぁったか?」と"Hello, How are you going?"