

















エマニュエル・トッドは、直近の書『西洋の敗北(Emmanuel Todd, La Défaite de l'Occident)』(2024)をめぐるインタビューで簡潔に、《西洋はリベラル少数独裁制で構成されており、ロシアは権威主義的民主制だ[L'Occident est composé d'oligarchies libérales, la Russie est une démocratie autoritaire]》と言っているが、以下のハドソンの文は、このトッドの文とともに読めるだろう。

◾️Economists Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson explain multipolarity, decline of US hegemony



Michael Hudson: what’s happening in the world,(…) the fight between unipolar and multipolar world. President Putin talks about that, and [Russian Foreign Minister] Lavrov talks about that, but not the U.S.
If you listen to what President Biden and the State Department say, this global fracture is “between democracy and autocracy“. That is how they characterize it. This is Orwellian Doublespeak.
[To them,] ‘democracy’ means a financial oligarchy. Aristotle, 2500 years ago, wrote a book on constitutions of Greece. He wrote, “All these constitutions call themselves democracies, but they are really oligarchies.”


Democracy tends to turn into oligarchy. So by ‘democracy’, what President Biden means, is a financial oligarchy in control of policy.
And what Biden means by ‘autocracy’ is a mixed public-private economy with strong government support for industry, for technological research and development, for rising living standards, and most of all for providing basic needs: public health, public education, retirement income, transportation – all subsidized to minimize the cost of living for labor, so that the economic surplus can go to upgrade education, improve the productivity of the labor force, and do essentially what China has done and what other countries are doing, and what everyone expected industrial capitalism to do in the United States and Europe, but which finance capitalism is not doing.



So you have to go beyond this rhetoric to ask what is really happening. To the Americans, public spending, anti-monopoly regulation, and protection of consumer rights is ‘socialism’.
Well, it is socialism, and that’s why in the United States, they’ve done polls, and find that most people prefer the world ‘socialism’ to ‘capitalism’. Many people in the United States claim to be socialist, but finance capitalism is not socialism.
This distinction, which Rosa Luxembourg called the fight between barbarism and civilization, that’s really the fight between democracy and autocracy, with a different vocabulary.(…)

America really is trying to stop the development of other countries.
This may seem surprising to some people – not to listeners of this show – but those very words were set into stone in America’s national security report, saying that “any other country’s development, to the point where it is independent of the United States, is a threat to the United States.”
And the reason that China is the number-one opponent and “systemic” rival, as they put it…

◾️What is China’s future? Economic decline, or the next industrial revolution? 2024-03-13

マイケル・ハドソン: デモクラシーについてひとつ。デモクラシーの定義は伝統的にオリガーキー(少数独裁)の発展を防ぐことだ。人々がどんどん裕福になるにつれてオリガーキーが発展するのを防ぐ方法はひとつしかない、それは強い国家を持つことである。



MICHAEL HUDSON: One thing about democracy. The definition of a democracy traditionally is to prevent an oligarchy from developing. There’s only one way to prevent an oligarchy from developing as people get richer and richer, and that’s to have a strong state.
The role of a strong state is to prevent an oligarchy from developing. That’s why the oligarchy in America and Europe are libertarian, meaning get rid of government, because a government is strong enough to prevent us from gouging the economy, to prevent us from taking it over.
So, you need a strong central state in order to have a democracy. Americans call that socialism, and they say that’s the antithesis of democracy, which means a state that is loyal to the United States and follows U.S. policy and lets the U.S. banks financialize the economy.

◾️What is China’s future? Economic decline, or the next industrial revolution? 2024-03-13

マイケル・ハドソン: デモクラシーについてひとつ。デモクラシーの定義は伝統的にオリガーキー(少数独裁)の発展を防ぐことだ。人々がどんどん裕福になるにつれてオリガーキーが発展するのを防ぐ方法はひとつしかない、それは強い国家を持つことである。



MICHAEL HUDSON: One thing about democracy. The definition of a democracy traditionally is to prevent an oligarchy from developing. There’s only one way to prevent an oligarchy from developing as people get richer and richer, and that’s to have a strong state.
The role of a strong state is to prevent an oligarchy from developing. That’s why the oligarchy in America and Europe are libertarian, meaning get rid of government, because a government is strong enough to prevent us from gouging the economy, to prevent us from taking it over.
So, you need a strong central state in order to have a democracy. Americans call that socialism, and they say that’s the antithesis of democracy, which means a state that is loyal to the United States and follows U.S. policy and lets the U.S. banks financialize the economy.

◾️Finance Capitalism versus Industrial Capitalism: The Rentier Resurgence and Takeover

Michael Hudson 2021


Finance capitalism's dynamics are glo-balist, seeking to use international organizations (the IMF, NATO, the World Bank, and US-designed trade and investment sanctions) to overrule national governments that are not con-trolled by the rentier classes. The aim is to make all economies into finance-capitalist layers of hereditary privilege, imposing austere antilabor policies to squeeze a dollarized surplus.

◾️Finance Capitalism's Self-Destructive Nature By Michael Hudson July 18, 2022

finance capitalism is all about how to get a free lunch if you're a member of the one percent.

19 世紀までには、誰もが社会主義という言葉を使っていた。社会主義という言葉を使っていたのはマルクス主義者だけではなかった。キリスト教的社会主義者、自由主義的社会主義者、無政府主義的社会主義者、そしてあらゆる種類の社会主義者がいた。彼らは、バランスのとれた公正な経済発展には政府の支援が必要だと認識していた。生産的なサービスを提供することでではなく、ただの詐欺師になることで人々が金持ちになるのを防ぐ必要がある。基本的に金融資本主義とは、詐欺師が 99 パーセントの人々からお金を奪い、自分の手に収めることで金持ちになる機会を与えることである。

By the 19th century, everybody used the word socialism and it wasn’t only the Marxists that were using the word socialism. There were Christian socialists, libertarian socialists, anarchist socialists and all different kinds of socialists. They recognized that you have to have the government sponsorship of a balanced and fair economic development. You have to prevent people from getting rich not by providing any productive service at all but just by being good rip-off artists and that’s basically what finance capitalism is: opportunity for rip-off artists to get rich uh by taking money away from the 99 percent, into their own hands.

democracy no longer means a political system where voters get to determine who is in charge, democracy is the policy dictated by the United States State Department. Any country that goes its own way or develops the power potentially to go its own way such as China and Russia is called an autocracy. So, you have to realize in today's world democracy is autocracy and autocracy is democracy.


くりかえしていうが、資本とは G - W - G' (G+⊿G) という運動である。通俗経済学においては、資本とは資金のことである。しかし、マルクスにとって、資本とは、貨幣が、生産施設・原料・労働力、その生産物、さらに貨幣へ、と「変態していく」過程の総体を意味するのである。この変態が完成されないならば、つまり、資本が自己増殖を完成しないならば、それは資本ではなくなる。しかし、この変態の過程は、 他方で商品流通としてあらわれるため、そこに隠されてしまう。したがって、古典派や新古典派経済学においては、資本の自己増殖運動は、 商品の流通あるいは財の生産 = 消費のなかに解消されてしまう。 産業資本のイデオローグは「資本主義」という言葉を嫌って 「市場経済」という言葉を使う。 彼らはそれによって、あたかも人々が市場で貨幣を通して物を交換しあっているかのように表象する。この概念は、市場での交換が同時に資本の蓄積運動であることを隠蔽するものである。そして、彼らは市場経済が混乱するとき、それをもたらしたものとして投機的な金融資本を糾弾したりさえする、まるで市場経済が資本の蓄積運動の場ではないかのように。

しかし、財の生産と消費として見える経済現象には、その裏面において、根本的にそれとは異質な或る倒錯した志向がある。 G′(G+⊿G) を求めること、それがマルクスのいう貨幣のフェティシズムにほかならない。マルクスはそれを商品のフェティシズムとして見た。それは、すでに古典経済学者が重商主義者の抱いた貨幣のフェティシズムを批判していたからであり、さらに、各商品に価値が内在するという古典経済学の見方にこそ、貨幣のフェティシズムが暗黙に生き延びていたからである。(柄谷行人『トランスクリティーク』第二部 第2章「綜合の危機」p323~)


資本~金持ちを、国家が常に殴り殺せる ・・それが「資本主義」を保証する。





天皇の無い 蒼い空を取り戻す

